Pity Flunk

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My eyes glazed over as I reached for another drink, normally I wouldn't drink at a party but I felt it was necessary today.

The thumping music caused the ground to almost snap in two, the wooden floor had people scattered everywhere not even a mere inch of wood could be seen.

Veronica however, she hadn't shown her face yet. Which would explain why I'm drinking and Josh is glaring at me but I wasn't bothered, I could only stare into the crowd with a unphased expression.

Maybe I was paranoid, but I kept seeing the girl from my dream. Maybe it was Veronica? A sign perhaps.

I let out a grunt, tossing my can to the trash but obviously barely making it quarter of the way. I wasn't drunk, I was merely a little excitable.

I licked my lips and aproached the dance floor, my tongue clicking against the roof of my mouth as I made my presence known. A few heads turned but quickly turned away.

I was so mentally confused at this point, I probably had something on tomorrow for all I knew but it didn't stop me from approaching a lady in front of me.

I tapped her shoulder and she turned to face me with a smile, trying to keep my head straight I simply offered her my hand. "A dan-" I swallowed back a hiccup and felt a hand grasp my arm harshly, yanking me back.

I laughed in a slurred form, a smile tugging at my lips. "Your going home, Sage." Joshua scowled, leading me away from the floor.

Without hesitation he pulled my phone from my pocket, dialling my mother without a second glance. I leaned forward to snatch the phone but only felt my stomach lurch before I vomited, all over his shiny shoes.

I heard a few gasps as I wiped my mouth, sticking my tongue out slightly in disgust of myself. Josh swore loudly, hissing at me in anger.

I fell backwards on my feet, I felt some feminine hand's catch my fumbling form and looked up to see a very familiar face.

Before I could even retort she smacked her lips to mine, and despite being drunk I did the only humane thing.

I threw up again.


"I'm ashamed of you."

I stirred in my sleep, my breath stunk and my head pounded but all I could recall was the fact I had drank.

I was utterly disgusted, holding my head as I sat upright. "I'm ashamed of me as well."

She handed me a glass of water and a panadol, her eyes scanning my face with worry. "I can't believe you, drink free for a whole year and then this?"

I hiccupped as I took the tablet in my mouth, metling it against the roof of my mouth before swallowing it with the water. "Can we argue after my pounding brain stops?"

I tasted the vomit in my mouth and grimaced, getting out of bed and staring down at my mother. "Besides, I'm flying out of the country tonight. I think."

She laughed at me and my face flushed in anger, "I think not!" She retorted.

I grabbed a mint from my desk, shoving it down my thoat as I grabbed my phone. "I think I will, flying into Seoul for a business meeting seems rather urgent to me."

She shook her head in disgust, "The young lady who brought you home, who was she?"

I tilted my head to the side, "Hm? Veronica?" I didn't notice my tone heating up.

"No, she had brown hair. Brown eyes I think?"

I bit my inner cheek, shaking my head with no ability to recall last night. "No idea."

She took a moment to squint, "She was very sweet, and apologized for you. Asked me not to be mad."

My eyes rolled back slightly, trying to recall the night. But I couldn't think past Veronica, and it was driving me crazy.

"I'm gonna have a shower, see if I can remember then."

She nodded slowly, "Fresh towels in the cupboard." She mumbled, fumbling out of the door.

I held my head in my hands, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I let out a frustrated grunt and went to grab a towel from the cupboard.

I clicked the door open, stepping in and throwing my shirt off. I turned to the sink and stared into the mirror, noticing my blood shot eyes immediately.

Hopefully the hot water would soothe my nerves, which were jumping about frantically from the alcahol scare.

I pulled open the shower door, running the warm water before stepping in with a sigh.

The warmth washed over me and I felt at peace, my hair quickly deflating as water droplets ran down every inch of my body. I relaxed all my muscles and faded into the watery haven.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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