Presence of essence

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I sat boredly in the presence of my mother. I stared at the father clock which sat to the left of the oak table, listening to the tick sent me back to my thoughts beforehand.

Unconsciously I went to cut my egg, I slipped and sliced my thumb. I swore under my breath dropping the knife onto my plate. It made a loud tang noise at contact with the glass.

My mother stared at me, her mouth full of egg "Good job." She stated sarcastically, her voice still sweetened with some sorrow for my clumsy antics. Speaking with your mouth open was rude but I'd let her get away with it.

My mother had lived with me since I moved out. Since I was young my mother had been my only support as my father left at a young age, He never got a divorce just ran off with another woman. I grimaced in disgust at the thought. My mother was poor and I was her support now, I would give her what she gave me.

I shoved the plate away from me, caressing my thumb lightly in my other hand as I stared at the beautiful chandelier that hung low on the ceiling.

I was rich and it was thanks to my mother, she had paid for my tuition fees when I was younger and I ended up at the best college money could buy despite her lack of money. She had borrowed a lot and it left us in debt for years until my hard work paid off and I was accepted into a computer company when I was 18. I had moved up fast and achieved my goal, I now owned the business at the young age of 22.

I excused myself from the table, picking up my plate and cutlery. "Want me to take yours, mother?" I asked, walking around the edge of the table.
"Yes please." She smiled in gratitude, handing me the plate. I scraped the scraps onto mine and placed hers under mine in my hands. I nodded and dismissed myself from the table, heading to the kitchen quickly. I dumped the plates in the sink and looked back to check the time, seeming I had time to spare I would get changed before going out.

I didn't take time to admire the hallway this time, I rushed straight through to my room. The door opened with a creak as I shoved it, my room was not a normal rich persons room and you could tell, It was a complete mess with clothes flung on the ground and my laptop probably hidden in the abundance of sheets my messy sleeping left on the floor. It didn't bother me, I flung my wardrobe open and stared at the clothes neatly hung in color order. It was strange knowing that my closet was the neatest thing in my room.

I snatched up a red and black flannel and some jeans. I didn't care about fashion at all, but as to what I wore I didn't want to look like a mess either. I changed into my fresh clothes and brushed my hair to one side using my hand. I smiled at my somewhat presentable figure in the mirror.

I bit my lip and left the room, slamming the door as I left. I felt my phone vibrate again, I picked up the unknown number.
"I'm not interested in buying your products." I stated firmly, grasping the phone as I chose some sneakers.

"I need your help Sage." Whispered a voice on the other end, it sounded strangely familiar and disturbed the pit of my stomach. "Who are you?" I asked cautiously bringing the phone to my ear.

"It doesn't matter- crap, crap, crap. I'll call you back la-" the phone went dead as the call ended, and it sent me into a confused state, maybe I should call the police?

No. No its not that important.
Probably just some kids messing with me.

I placed my phone in my pocket hesitantly, should I respond with a text? If it was a prank how did they know my name?

I sighed, snatching up a pair of black sneakers. I crouched on the stair case and tied my laces,
Tie the knot,
Bunny ears,
Through the loop....

I took my mind off of the previous thoughts, leaving the house with a smile. My sliver Mercedes glinted in the sun at me, its shiny customized number plates let the world know my name. Sporting the red font.

I pulled the keys from my pocket, unlocking it with a satisfying clink. As I approached the door my phone rang yet again. I grunted, pulling it from my pocket and replacing it with the keys.

"Uh yes, what?" I asked, slightly paranoid as I opened the car door.

"So your heading over now right? We need the alcohol for tonights party." Joshua's annoying voice came through the phone as I seated myself in the vehicle. I Started the ignition before responding.

"Yea, I'll meet you at the shop?" I meant it as a question but it seemed more of a statement.

"Yea, sure. Whatever, see you in 10."

On a count downWhere stories live. Discover now