Chapter 5: Honey

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April, 17, 1965

*Expected Due Date, May, 5, 1965*

• Marie's POV •

As Elvis started filming for Harum Scarum, word got out I was beginning to plan my baby shower. On a random, sunny day, Ann had called asking if she could organize my baby shower. Thankfully, I made Joe answer for me. He gave her a lame excuse as to why I couldn't come to the phone. We couldn't stop laughing as he hung up. But then the next day came, I answered foolishly in the living room.

"Oh- is this the infamous Marie? My you sound so odd on the phone!" She patronizes with a squeaky tone.

I roll my eyes faking a laugh.

"You sound just like a toy as well." I exclaim sweetly.

Her laughing that just began, quickly ended. I smile evilly as I twirl the telephone cord around my finger.

"Well then doll, let's get to what I called for..." She breathes in deep and giggles.

I roll my eyes again, I sit myself down on the cream colored sofa and cross my legs. This is going to take awhile.

"I know we might not have been properly introduced, but you might have heard of me..." She giggles again.

"I just wanted to ask if you needed any help with your little-uh- babyshower, perhaps?" She asks pompously.

"Well Ann- I--" I begin right before she cuts me off.

"I'd be honored if I'd organize it for you." She exclaims with a light tone in her voice.

Jerry walks in and stops. He shakes his head trying to hold in his laugh. As his howling grew louder, I notion him to get out of the living room. He nods and waves with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and tap my nails on the telephone.

"Well I'd hate to break the news, Ann. But I have everything under control. Thank you, though." I say with no mercy.

I smirk as Ann hesitates to reply. She's knocked off her high horse, good.

"But honey, you don't have to be untruthful! Whenever I organize a party, I need help!" She says in a bothered tone.

I fake another laugh and roll my eyes. I stare up at the ceiling smirking, ofcourse she does.

"I'm a little more prepared, I think. After setting up a few of my own, it's not that difficult. Even a pregnant lady can do it, I mean look at me." I say shrugging.

She gasps, patronizing me.

"Honey! You shouldn't even be lifting a finger! More than usual I mean. After all, you've been taking advantage of probably all of Big E's workers." She says in an innocent, child like tone.

I clutch the telephone, the grip on the phone tightens.

"They're not his workers, Ann. They're his friends. I'll have you know I've probably done more than you in a humble manner than you ever will." I snap.

She giggles mockingly.

"Marie. Marie. Marie. If only you knew what I've done with your 'committed' husband. He's in my territory now. You better watch where he goes, because he might just slip back to me." She mutters.

I hold in my breath, I bite my lip. She's lying.

"You.... You liar..." I mutter as I blink away tears, my heads spinning.

She laughs in her pompous, evil tone.

"Am I, honey? Oh I'm sorry, doesn't he call you satnin, as well?" The last few words burn my ears.

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