Chapter 6: Two Loves

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• Marie's POV •

I force my eyes to open wide. I glance around, the sterile smell of a hospital fills my nostrils. I get dizzy and sigh. Great, now I'm a patient, probably at the mental ward. I stare down at my arms, they're covered in tubes and patches. I feel an excruciating pain shoot through my stomach. As I rub my stomach, it stops, slowly but thankfully. I glance back up, why am I here?

My eyes wander around the room, losing hope of anyone accompanying me in my room. Suddenly, I hear a loud, obnoxious snore that I'm so familiar with. I gaze down at the white tile and notice Elvis lying on the floor, with a pillow and a few blankets over him. I can tell he's uncomfortable, but I'm glad he managed to get some shut eye. I glance down at my belly, with remorse.

"... Elvis..." I mutter softly, hoping he wouldn't hear me.

Elvis' snoring stops abruptly. I hear him wrestle with the blankets before he sits up from the floor. I look up from my stomach to watch as his dark, bag-filled eyes look up at me. His hair's a complete flop, he has a five o clock shadow and his shirt isn't even buttoned right. He throws himself closer beside me and my bed. He kneels down, making both of us meet each other's gaze by force. I sigh, trying to avoid his gaze. He slips his fingers with mine. I fight back tears, I have to keep my strength up.

"I never ment to hurt you, or my little one. Please--just please... Don't leave me." He softly begs squeezing my hand.

He hangs his head low with his voice beginning to shake.

"It was all a shitty joke for the press. To get them off our backs, for the baby shower." He whispers aggravated at himself.

He shakes his head and covers his eyes with his free hand. He begins to sob quietly. He messed up. And here I go, wanting to forgive him. What the hell man.

I gaze at him, tears slip down his tired, worrisome, angelic face. I weakly lift up my right arm and cup his cheek. He watches me fascinated.

"I'm sorry." I mutter beginning to feel drowsy.

He shakes his head frantically, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest.

"Don't you dare be, I'm sorry." He whispers hoarsely.

As I start wrapping my arms around his chest, I wince having both Elvis and I place our hands on my stomach. He slams his hand on the nurse call button as I lean back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I bite my lip as the door opens.

"She's awake now. Do something." He orders furiously.

I glance at the new comer, it was my doctor, Phil. With a concerned look, he slides on his black framed glasses and stares at the scanners beside my bed.

"The level of stress this baby's taking is too risky. We're going to need to do a C-Section... I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Presley." He informs us with a serious tone.

I feel Elvis' arms cradle me again, he sobs on my shoulder as Phil leaves my room.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm a jackass. I'm a bastard. I'm a damn shame. I'm sorry Marie. I'm sorry for everything I've done that's made you cry. Everything. For the misery and pain I can't bear to see you in. But damn it I cause so much of it."

He chokes out tightening his grip on me.

I glance around, tears start to form in my eyes. But this time, I let them fall down my hot cheeks. I made the baby stressed, I did this. I can't help Elvis this time, because I'm breaking down just as bad.

A nurse knocks on our door, making both of us fix our composures. She consoles us with a light smile. I give her my consent to take off all the crap on my arms, sadly my iv stays. The nurse hands the sad eyed, Elvis PPE. He slowly puts on the protective gown,mask, and head protection. As he finishes putting everything on, he gazes at me and sighs. He comes to my side and grabs my hand.

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