||The beloved brother||<>prologue<>

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Jim had never been a good human being, although he was her brother, sarah knew that Jim was a monster. Deep down she always hoped that there was light in him, but it never came and it never would come.

Sarah was reading a book about a magical boy being raised under a dusty staircase. It reminded her of her own life. No friends, alone, underrated and a brother that always makes fun of you. Life wasn't easy for Sarah. Unfortunate she wasn't magical at all. She was just boring little Sarah who will never grow up. At least that's what her brother would call her. Sarah loved to fantasize about a world where she was indeed magical. A magical girl and not a stupid, boring one who would never grow up.

She heard footsteps on the stairs. Sarah knew it was her brother checking, if she was actually sleeping. There was no time tot turn off the light. Her brother would notice  and she would be in deep trouble for staying up so late. She kept the light on and quietly put her book away, under her pillow, so it would look like she fell asleep with the light still on. She did this so often, that she could stabiles her breath in a way her brother never noticed she was still awake. Jim opened the door of her chamber. She could smell that he had been in the rain. It rained three hours ago, but he said that he would be in his office the whole day. liar. She noticed that her brother stood in the doorway for more than fifteen seconds. That meant that he doubted about something. Sarah had know idea what it could but, But before she could really think out her theories, her brother moved towards her, only to harshly shake her awake. Sarah did like she was shocked and opened her eyes. Her brothers chocolate brown eyes twinkled of joy. 'Jim!' Sarah shouted towards her brother that now did a fake imitation of someone who was very sorry. 'Sarah, i'm so sorry.' Shit, sarah thought. Her brother only said sorry if he wanted something of her. 'What do you want?' She asked. Her brother looked surprised of her simple observation 'My little girl', he replied. 'In about four and a half minute there will be a young man ringing our doorbell. Please get dressed and open the door for him. Don't say your surname, tell him that i'm not home and be polite. Say that, and i will tell you why you have to do this.' Her brother had a flamboyant smile on his face. 'Your the worst brother ever.' She told him, but when the doorbell rang she was dressed and well. Jim always gets what he wants. He knows me to well, Sarah thought. She opened the door after someone rang the doorbell for slightly more than 7 seconds. That meant that the man was in a hurry. The unknown man looked relieved when it was her who opened the door. She couldn't blame him. A man with blonde greasy hair stood for her. He had bags under his eyes, that revealed to her that he hadn't slept for at least 24 hours. His eyes looked friendly but the scar on his left ear and his overall appearance showed her that he wasn't just someone to be underrated. Awkward he shove forward. 'Hello miss, nice to meet you. My name is John Watson.'

A week later:
It was the first day of summer vacation. Sarah woke up at 11 am that morning. Quit late even for her. Sarah had sleep problems lately.
Sarah went downstairs only to see her brother in a suit reading the newspaper whit a wide grin on his face. He sat in her chair, but she decided to ignore it. She sat down on his chair. From across the table she observed her brother.

Jim?'' Sarah asked.

"What's wrong my dear? " Jim asked. "Your not asking one of your boring questions, are you?'' Jim looked her right in the eyes with his special look that Sarah always did, shiver down her spine.

She hesitated. ''Actually I am.''

A sigh came out of his mouth.
"Come on. Try me, little boring girl.''

"I just wanted to...''

Sarah didn't talk any further. Jim pretended to be a dead man with his tongue out of his mouth and his eyes closed. ''If your dead. I take the money'', she said. Now she had her brothers attention. ''What money?'' Jim asked. ''Just the 10.000 pound of brief money you keep behind the painting in your room, the 340.000 pounds buried in the backyard and maybe i take the 2000 out of your wallet.'' Sarah became irritated. Why doesn't her brother tell her the truth. She always has to find out everything by herself in the end. Still her brother is a big mystery for her that she can't unfold. ''How do you know about the money?'' Jim asks.  ''Tell something about our parents and i tell you,'' Sarah said. Jim's  madness smile appeared on his face. His brown eyes looked right through her. ''Please Jim'', Sarah begged. She hates begging. Especially by her brother. ''Take the 2000 out of my wallet. I'm out for a couple of days. If you want to know more about our parents, you can leave the house right now.'' Jim spat this words out to Sarah who now slightly overwhelmed looked at her brother in disbelief from the other side of the table. '' I will never understand you'', Sarah said, when her brother stood up. '' I hope you never will my dear, i hope.'' Now Sarah became mad. Jim gave the 2000 pounds to Sarah and grabbed his coat from the peg. Jim was about to leave when sarah couldn't hold in her rage anymore ''JIM! Why? WHY are you doing all this to me? Please let me come with you!'' But it was no use. Every now and then this happend. "Sweet Sarah. Don't even think about stealing my money. I already knew you would find out some day, so there's a special code on the vaults that only i can crack." This happened all the time. She basically lived on her own. Her brother just stood up and left Sarah behind for hours, days, weeks and sometimes months. ''I hate you!" Sarah shouted to her brother who now had disappeared in the busy London traffic.

Three endless days she waited. With her back sitting against the door, looking at the painting that hang in her brothers chamber. She didn't really get why this painting hang in her brothers room, but it was the last thing right know she was worried about. The pretty young fiddler on the painting always fascinated her. He had such an unusual appearance with his cheekbones so high and his eyes so bright. Sarah always had a weird feeling of recognition when se saw him. It was the only thing in the house she recognized form her youth with her parents. The painting always hang in her fathers room when she was little, but her father is gone and will never come back. Just like her brother. He wouldn't come back this time either. She had an idea. It was crazy and it was dangerous, but is was the best idea she ever had. She walked away from home earlier, but her brother would always find her. This time her plan was better, then every escape plan from her stupid brother before. The street for her house was very peaceful this morning. The house was small, but they had no neighbors so she could easy perform her plan without making any victims. She packed three outfits, her phone, phone charger and an old photo from her mom and dad smiling to each other. There was no food in the house , so she kept the 2000 pounds from her brother save in her pocket. Sarah closed all the windows, but she let al the doors wide open (except the front and back door).
Then she set all of the gas pits on. She waited for an hour outside in the backyard, maybe lounger. She lost her realization of time. Excited to finally for once in her lifetime cross the boarders. All she had to do now was simple, but crucial. She made a trace of alcohol from her backdoor all the way to the alley behind her house. Sarah lighted a match and threw it into the track of alcohol. She ran away as fast as she could. Her feet dragged her faster and father away then she ever could've expected. It was the loudest bang she ever heard, but she couldn't look back. The orange flames were a huge contrast with her green emerald eyes. Out of her eyes escaped one single tear. "Goodbye brother mine," she whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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