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People were enjoying walking on the park early in the morning while others are just having a sit on one of the benches and looking at the scenes in front of them. The fresh air in the morning is so refreshing that you'll feel bad not enjoying it.

This kind of scenery never gets me tired. Actually, it gives me a pleasant feeling and let's me forget my worries for awhile.

I'm Leigh McCartney, by the way. I'm here at my usual spot which is under one of the many trees in the park and listening some songs that I like. This is my usual routine every morning. To wake up early and have a little walk here then sits at my favorite spot.

Its still 6:15 am and I still got enough the time to go back at my apartment to change and get ready to school. I still have half an hour left before I head home. I'm currently having my 3rd year in college taking up Culinary Arts. I always wanted to have my own restaurant since high school because I really loved cooking so much that I made it my dream to be a chef someday.

I stood up from my position and started heading back to my home. I'm currently living alone since I finished my high school and started working at a small restaurant in the city as a part time as to save some money for my everyday use.

Actually, thanks to my scholarship, I don't need to pay for my tuition until my last year if my grades are all good. And I'm maintaining it quiet well. I just wanted my school life to be no hassle and that's why I don't tend to mingle to other students, especially to those who are popular and students who wants some attention all over the campus.

The less hassle, the more I can focus on my studies. And that's what I've been doing since I entered college.

At exactly 7:20 am, I arrived at our school. Many students are already here but most of them are still hanging around with their buddies and just talking. My class won't start until 7:45 am, so I still have enough time to relax for a bit.

I sat at one of the vacant tables near the building of my first class and reading some of my notes while listening to some music.

Ten minutes had passed when I noticed that the empty table beside me was being occupied by some group of people. I stopped reading and looked at the other table. There I saw the group that always catches the attention of all the students in the campus.

There we're five of them. Two girls and three boys. When I entered here they are already popular. Not just by their looks but also from the family they came from.

One of the girls were laughing by some jokes. Shiela Maign Courtney. She has a long straight blond hair that reaches until her waist. Has a pretty blue eyes and has a height of 5'7".

The girl beside her was her cousin, Francheska Weller, who has a wavy black hair that reaches below her shoulder and stands 5'6".

Two of the three guys we're brothers of Francheska, Billy and Zion Weller. They came from Germany and migrated her in New York. They have both black hair but Zion's hair is longer than Billy. Both stands at 6'1".

And lastly, we have the guy who broke a lot of hearts to the girls here in school. No other than Caleb Andrew Martin. Girls tends to get his attention. With his black and brownish hair and grayish eyes, girls would squeal when he passes by at the buildings hallway. He would definitely stands out with his height of 6'3".

Groups like them is what I avoided the most. Its not like I wanted to be a part of their little group. Its not my style anyway.

I was about to focus back on what I was reading when Martin suddenly looks at my direction. Our eyes met but I quickly diverted my gaze back to my book.

I put my stuffs back in my bag when the first signal of the bell for the first class to start went off. Without looking at the other table again, I went directly to my first class.

Who would have thought that with that eye contact happened earlier my quiet life would never come back to me whatever I do.

This is how my story will take turn unexpectedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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