Chapter Four

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The following week was as per usual. Wake up, school, sleep, repeat. I got three more assignments, which makes four including my English – which I did actually complete that Tuesday. It took me a while to start my paper on Antony and Cleopatra, but I eventually finished it and handed it in four days prior to the due date. Mr Jonathon congratulated me for my punctuality and told me he was very pleased, but not surprised, with the quality of my essay. He had me for half a year last year and I guess we have gotten to know each other as student and teacher, and vice versa. I actually taught him some things he didn’t know. I favour Mr Jonathon’s style of teaching over my other teachers, and I am grateful to be one of his pupils.

                So, Tuesday night was mostly spent of me beaming over the fact that my Shakespeare paper was well liked. Then my mum forced me to do some yoga before studying Maths and finishing my Ancient History paper. On Wednesday after school I went on a shopping spree with Willa. I don’t usually bother that much with my wardrobe. My mother and I had always been fine, if not better than fine, with money, but I just never cared for the luxury. But Willa insisted that I reward myself for my performance in English, and I had to agree with her. I bought a dress, a pair of Dr Martens, two t-shirts and three books. Willa’s shopping bags were pretty much full of high heels.

                Thursday night I helped mum with dinner and we talked about the year so far. We have both been busy and hadn’t seen much of each other, so it was great to spend some time together. We have a very close mother-daughter relationship, despite my parents’ separation four years ago that drew her in isolation for almost three. I told her about school and the workload, and she talked about the gossip circulating the firm, then we got off topic talking about Spencer’s abs. Mum always asks about Spencer, and Dani and Willa, and even Liam sometimes, since we have kind of formed a little group.

My sister called later on and we both talked to her for a couple of hours. My sister, Alexandria, resides in Bronx, NY. She is six years my senior, and lives in a town called Riverdale, with her partner and new born baby. She has a very successful career as an at-home artist, and her partner, Cassey, works at an accounting firm deep in the city. Very peculiar, that my family is so vastly dispatched; my mum and I here in Waterbury, my father down at Stamford working at the college campus, and my sister in the next state over. I never pondered the irony concerning the names of both my and my sister’s residing cities.

The next day at school Willa and I are sitting at our usual table for lunch, when Liam and Dani come over to join us.

“This biology homework is going to eat me”, Dani exhales deeply. Liam’s eyebrows furrow and he pats her on the back as if he’s trying to comfort her about a genuine problem.

“I’m sure you can pull it off”, Willa says. “Anyone with hair that big has gotta have a big brain”.

“Willa, that was borderline…” I begin to say. She’s been doing this all week, cracking jokes that I’m sure she intends to be funny, but ends up being hurtful. The way she delivers it makes me wonder what she’s trying to pull off… humour or insults. Willa has always been like this, but she’s gotten too comfortable with the tolerance everyone gives her. I think what is influencing her to be so dramatic is all the parties she goes to. The confidence, the carefree persona… I think it’s time that her wild spirit is tamed, or locked away.

                She shrugs as if she doesn’t agree. “I meant it as a compliment”.

                “Anyway”, Liam starts, trying to deter the conversation away from Willa’s comment. I silently thank him and the frown sewn on Dani’s face begins to unstitch as he continues to talk. “What are you all doing this weekend?”

                “Waiting for a party to open up”, Willa says before sighing. Of course she is. “But I’m getting a little desperate. It’s Friday afternoon and no one has texted me back.”

                “Well, you might be in luck. You remember Harry, right? From last weekend? He’s hosting another party. Well, not just one. Pretty much goes for the whole weekend.”

                “I’m in!” Willa claps her hands together in excitement.

                “What about you, Jordan?”

                “No, thank you anyway”, I say. I have no intentions of going back to that house. Not just because of the rude boy, but also because I just don’t particularly enjoy the party scene.

                 “That’s a shame. Harry told me he really wanted both of you to come”, Liam says.

                “Harry said that?” I say almost too quickly. Why would he say that? The way he acted towards me gave me the distinct impression that he wanted nothing more than to dismiss me. And I want nothing more than that as well. But why did he want to see me again? Was it to apologize?

                “Yeah, he said he’d like to see both of you again”, Liam explains.

                “What do you say, Jordan?” Willa asks me.

                “I – I don’t know”, I start. I don’t really want to go to another party, or see Harry – but if he wants to apologize or start anew, I don’t want to rob him of that opportunity. I doubt that I’ll ever see him that much, and the last thing I want is to make enemies around the campus I wish to attend next year. I can always go to Spencer again if things turn bad. “Okay”, I sigh, disappointed in myself for giving in. I clutch onto the hope that things may go better this time.

                Willa shrieks again, dancing in her seat. Suddenly the spark in her eyes die, and she slinks into her seat, as if deflated. “I don’t have anything to wear.”

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