Chapter Nine

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The streets leading into the city were hot, as if the roads of tar were radiating waves of humidity. Though, against the sticky air that pressed against our bodies, there was a tangible current of wind circulating us. Winter and Autumn were battling it out, and as September was nearing its close, the cold air seemed to have the upper hand.

Harry lead me through back streets and paths rounding houses, and as we ventured into a dark alley, I began to question the credibility of Harry. I hardly knew him, he could be leading me anywhere.. But I decide to trust him, considering Liam and Niall do. That, and I can’t help but follow the exhilaration that trails in his step as we near the flashing lights.

“We’re almost there. About 10 more minutes”, he says in front of me. He turns around for the first time since we left NYU, and his jaw widens with a smile as he looks at my expression of awe. This alley is decorated with murals that stretch along both walls. I can’t see any evidence of the bricks that lie beneath the paint, just the art that colours it.

“I can’t believe you’ve never seen the city before”, Harry says. There’s a glint in his eye, and I immediately know that he’s been to so many places, perhaps even around the world, and that he’s excited to expose me to new surroundings like that of New York City. We exit the alley and appear on a street lined with brick townhouses and the occasional café. The subdued roar of activity sounds from afar and the flicker of lights tell me that at the very end of this street my night awaits.

“It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it”, I hear a small voice from beside me. I forgot that I was even with Harry, and I realise I didn’t answer his question.

“Yeah”, I say absently, still flicking my head around to make sure I absorb all of what is presented to me. There are a few nightclubs and restaurants that sit along this street, and it is fairly busy, but I can tell all the real action is around the corner.

Harry’s laugh pulls me from my daze. “What?” I say as I finally turn to look at him for the first time in the past 5 minutes. He has slowed his pace as to keep in time with mine, and he walks dangerously close to me. When I turn my head, our faces are separated by mere inches.

“Your head’s snapping around as if you’re chasing a fly, Jordan”, he says. I would have noticed how he called me by my real name if I wasn’t distracted by the proximity of his breath on my face. The scent of liquorice and mint glides across my jawline, and before goose bumps can rise on my skin I step away from him.

I can see his eyes lower, and he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jeans as we continue to walk, a good seven feet separating us.

We walked in silence for a few minutes, but those few minutes didn’t give leeway to the attack on my nerves. My heart was laced with adrenaline, and I’m sure Harry could feel the thump of my heart as it seemed to resonate through the whole street. We were about a block away from the corner where the lights shone, and Harry had to almost jog to match my pace.

“Okay, let’s cross here”, Harry says. He saunters toward the gutter of the road, watching for a break in the busy traffic to cross the double-sided road. A gap shows itself, and Harry begins walk across. I follow behind him, still staring at the primary colours that curl around the street.

The horn of a car cuts through me, and I wheel around to meet the front bumper of a car. Just before my side collides with the car, large hands wrap around me and pull me to the edge of the road. I was crossing the last lane of traffic, and must have been distracted by the luminosities ahead of me.

“Watch where you’re driving, jackass!” Harry yells to the driver who’s car almost ran into me.

“Watch where you’re walking, dumb kids!” He stutters.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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