The hands I kissed

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A. N. Remember that this chapter starts with the
flashback, continuation of memories Inoichi's
looking through.

Is simplicity best
Or simply the easiest
The narrowest path
Is always the holiest
So walk on barefoot for me
Suffer some misery
If you want my love
If you want my love
Man will survive
The harshest conditions
And stay alive
Through difficult decisions
So make up your mind for me
Walk the line for me
If you want my love
If you want my love
So open yourself for me
Risk your health for me
If you want my love
If you want my love

Chapter 2

The hands I kissed

The sunlight insisted on warming his eyelids and
instead of darkness, his closed eyes saw red. It
was annoying and after the third attempt of trying
to fall back asleep Naruto grimaced and sat up.
He widely yawned not bothering to cover his mouth
and scratched his neck and chest with his left
hand. Then he blinked and looked around. He
sighed a moment later remembering that he didn't
share the room with his perverted teacher this
time. Yesterday the stupid man kept bubbling
about finding some women and inviting them to
the room "where little irritating brats should not
be." So he was in the room next to his, and
probably drunk, naked and stinking.
They rarely rested under the sky, because Jiraya
preferred the comfort and perfect conditions for
writing his books. That meant that he needed a
hotel with the hot springs. For ladies.
The blond shook his head and strode to the
bathroom, where he sleepily performed his routine
rituals, wondering how to wake up his teacher this
time. He could get the bucket of water, like the
last time, and splash it over his teacher, claiming,
that he stinks too much. He could replace it with
the paint, or get a cat or a dog inside a room, to
annoy him, or… he could summon the tens of
small toads and perform some crazy prank
involving singing, oil and fire. The blond loudly
snickered, imagining what the picture would look
like. He'll get a lot of fun doing that, all right… And
he promised Gamakichi to invite him for that
occasion, the pranks he makes are legends for the
young generation of the green jumpers, and
Gamakichi and his brothers are waiting to be
summoned for that 'special mission'.
With that thought in mind, Naruto looked up in the
mirror, and saw the blond with the wide grin, who
looked back at him mischievously. He nodded to
himself and washing his hands, thought on how
many summons he will need. He reached for the
towel and drying his hands, scratched his chest.
The itching was getting as annoying as he can be
and he looked down frowning. What he saw
surprised him at first, but it soon turned into fear,
with the thought of the demon seal changing. He
quickly looked at his stomach but there, everything
was ok. So what could that be? That thought led
him to his teacher and he scowled, realizing that
pervert must have done something in his drunken
state as he was asleep.
He got angry and sharply turned back to the room
to put on the pants and storm into his sensei's
room to show him what he thinks of it. It took him
less than a minute and the loud bang of the
roughly pushed door as he entered spread through
the corridor of the second floor.
The scene he came to see was another shock,
though less troubling. By the window, at the table,
Jiraya talked with Itachi, and they had a tea. They
didn't speak to each other at all before, so that
surprised him. But even though he was confused,
he had to take care of the business with his
teacher first. He turned to the white haired man
and glared as much as he could.
"What the hell did you do?! Pervert! We had a deal!
No messing with a fucking seal, remember!?"
His teacher brought his brows together and
shouted."You're making too much of a hustle,
close the door at the least!"
The blond glared some more, and angrily turning,
pushed the door closed with a force.
"Don't get angry, Naruto-kun." The guest asked
softly, and the boy looked at him with the
narrowed eyes that had a warning of not messing
with him. Seeing that expression, the man smiled,
liking the fact that the boy could be serious and
tried to seem intimidating.
"The hell are you smiling at." He spat a lot quieter,
but the tone got angrier. Itachi smirked and Jiraya
soundly sighed. The boy turned to him and then
again to the guest, he looked at them closely and
his face lost its malice when he pouted.
"You both have something to do with it, aren't
His teacher pressed his lips together and turned
away, refusing to start the explanation. Itachi saw
that and inwardly cursed the man for leaving him
to deal with the blond.
"Come here, Naruto-kun."
The boy reluctantly complied and sat by the table.
The man ignored his orange pants and shirtless
chest for a moment and after the strange silence,
that covered them for some time, his right hand
rested on the seal above the boy's heart. Naruto's
gaze fell on his hand quizzically.
"That seal, was placed by me." He said and pulled
back. The blue eyes followed his hand and then
rose to his black ones. They stared at each other
in question, Itachi waiting for any reaction, the boy
waiting for an explanation.
"We didn't ask you because I knew you will be
against it." Stated the white haired man, turning to
his student."You don't have to worry about it, the
seal isn't active yet."
Naruto frowned and his gaze turned to Uchiha
again."Then, what did you seal there?" He asked
knowing that Itachi did something his teacher
approved of, and it captured his interest.
The man tried to form some complicated
sentences in his mind to make the boy lost in the
meaning of his actions but he just knew that in the
end, it would be pointless, so saying the truth was
better. He looked up and hesitated, what if Naruto
really didn't want for their souls to be…
'Inseparable'? He should have asked first, but
Jiraya said that they didn't have time to deal with
it, and even if the boy wanted, he would still be
against it. But you can never guess what his
reaction will be. It is always strange when you
don't expect it in the least.
The older man got tired of waiting and looked at
his student."Didn't I teach you anything? Look at it,
what do you see?"
"You prefer spending your time behind the wall of
the hot springs, not teaching me." Muttered the
boy looking down at himself. Hearing that the
raven haired man coldly looked at the hermit from
across the table and his eyes dangerously started
to spin as they turned red, revealing Sharingan.
Jiraya noticed that and turned away, thinking "now
he's protective over the brat, I swear this child will
be protected by the whole Akatsuki before they
decide to capture him!"
Puzzled, the blond stared at the new addition to
decorations on his body.
"Well, it seals chakra, that much is evident… and…
something spiritual too… but, eh, separately? Then
there's… some… troublesome… and complicated
circulation system… Don't know… What did you
mean it's inactive? It's not finished yet or what?"
He asked, looking up at his teacher.
"Yes, you won't use it for quite some time." Said
the man, turning his gaze back on their guest.
Seeing that, the boy got a little scared, he still
didn't know what they sealed there, but if Itachi had
something to do with it that must be something
serious. He gulped glancing at Itachi and then their
eyes met.
"The seal will activate when I die." The man softly
admitted."And when it does, you will receive my
abilities, and among them, Uchiha bloodline."
Shocked, the blond had widened eyes and his
mind processed the said sentence time after time
until he realized what that meant.
"Are you crazy?! I don't need that thing!" He
shouted waving his arms stressing it."What do you
mean after you die?! You're still quite alive god
The hermit smirked at the missing nin and tilted
his head."Told you so."
"This will make you stronger, Naruto-kun, don't you
want to be strong enough to bring back Sasuke, to
protect your friends, Konoha?" Inquired the raven
haired man frowning. The boy stood up from his
sit angrily.
"Not this way! I want to get stronger on my own!
Not because someone gave me their power!"
Itachi blinked, then quietly sighed."There's more to
it than that. You will have my knowledge, and …"
"Are you insane?!" The blond incredulously stared
at the man, not understanding why he would do
something like this, and then he just shook his
head and as loudly as he entered, left.
Completely shocked about his reaction, Itachi
dumbly stared at the space in front of him, while
Jiraya started to pity the man. He stood up and
awkwardly put his hand on the man's shoulder,
trying to comfort him for a brief moment.
"Stay here, Itachi. I'll talk with the brat and we'll be
back." The hermit voiced and left to find his
"I just knew it." He thought walking out of the
building and looking around. "He doesn't care if it
was Itachi's soul, heart or whatever else sealed
inside. He just wouldn't take the power like that.
Like Kyuubi. It is with him, inside, but he wants to
prove that he will win no matter what without using
its chakra. And with the gift Itachi gives him it will
be the same. He may later have those abilities, but
it would take extremely important, dangerous and
hopeless situation for him to use it."
He saw his student on the roof of the highest
building, not too far from his position, and made
his way there. He quickly appeared behind the
blond and started to lecture him"Don't be stupid,
gaki! The chance like this appears once in a
lifetime! The guy wants to give you his power! Just
take it for God's sake!"
The blond turned around to face him and his
distress was clearly seen."I don't want it! It's his!
Why is he doing it? He feels he's in debt with me?
I don't care! It's too much!" A bit of moisture
formed in the corners of his eyes.
Jiraya scowled and placed his hands on his
student's shoulders, to keep him steady in place.
He spoke in a serious tone.
"Now listen to me. I don't care why he's doing this;
I don't care if he's in debt or just wants to share. I
care for you . And that means that I want you to
take what he's offering!"
The blond turned his face away, not willing to look
at his teacher.
"He's everything you're not. Smart, precise,
dangerous and heartless; he will become a part of
you …give you everything, Naruto." The man
continued in a whisper. "He seals his soul here, do
you understand?"
The boy was ready to cry. Did he understand? Of
coarse he did. Shinobi of different nations are
dreaming of gaining the bloodline of Uchiha or
Hyuuga clans. To all of them Hatake Kakashi was
the example of power it gave a ninja who wasn't
born with it. If any of them was in his position they
wouldn't have any objections. Quite the opposite,
they would seek that kind of offer and situation.
But he always had to prove to people that he is
what he is. Not a demon, not an idiot, not a
failure. If he uses the fox's power, and then
Itachi's, no one will ever consider him a true
shinobi. They will think of him as lucky guy who
uses someone else's power.
"I checked everything. You won't turn into a killer or
anything, he will never control you, and you won't
hear his voice inside your head. Yes, you will have
his memories, even his… feelings, but it will always
be your choice what to do with it." The older man
said, and crouched in front of the blond. He sighed
and shook him slightly, making the boy look at his
wrinkled face. "Look, maybe he gives you strength
to protect his younger brother, maybe he hates
Akatsuki and this is his little revenge, or maybe
he's just that noble. The fact is… he trusts you with
his afterlife and this is the greatest gift I saw
anyone give to anybody."
Staring for a minute at his white haired sensei
Naruto was looking for lies, deceiving, or signs of
manipulation, but found none. The man was
sincere and he really wanted what's the best for
him. He looked down at his feet and wiped his
eyes with his left hand, before any single tear slid
"So… a soul, you say." The man nodded."And… I
won't turn into a brooding Uchiha who's betraying
the village once he gets a chance?" The man
grinned and shook his head in negative. "All right."
Jiraya let out a breath he was holding and,
relieved, stood up."Come on. The seal isn't
finished." He turned and started to walk off in
direction of a hotel."We have to add his chakra to
that circulation system."
Back in the room where they left their guest, they
found Itachi still sitting by the table, but his
posture was different. He leaned on the table with
elbows, and his entwined fingers of both hands
were pressed to his forehead, effectively
shadowing his face. It looked like he spent in that
position the whole time they were gone. Jiraya
guessed that Itachi prepared himself for rejection
and didn't hope for Naruto coming back with a
changed mind. The hermit decided that his student
must take care of it since he was the cause of it
so he pushed him forward slightly, and turned to
leave."I have to get a drink."
The door closed, and Itachi slowly lowered his
hands. The blond, wearing a mesh shirt on his
torso now, strode to him hesitantly.
"I am sorry." He mumbled and Itachi shook his
"No, don't be. I should have talked with you first."
"I know Jiraya convinced you not to." The boy
replied biting his lower lip."It's not about me not
wanting power. It's about me not wanting to use
what does not belong to me." He explained.
Itachi's features relaxed, and the corner of his lips
raised a little."I didn't say you will have to use it."
He pointedly looked at the boy."Just have it,
Naruto-kun. There may come a day when you will
need it, so if that happens, consider that me
helping you."
The boy silently nodded.
"Did Jiraya-san tell you about the seal?" Itachi
asked, hoping that he wouldn't have to explain
"Yeah." Naruto scratched the back of his
head."Though… I wonder…"
The blond sighed closing his eyes and let his arms
fall at his sides."Why me? I mean, why not Sasuke
or… whoever you know longer and better than…
The man stared at him.
What should he say? There was absolutely no
reason for that decision, Naruto-kun? Or, 'Why do
you think there is anyone I know longer and
better?' He could say that Naruto shouldn't know
his reasons, but that would be suspicious.
"I trust you." He simply said. That could mean a
lot of things. 'Trust you to keep my secrets, trust
you to make the right decisions, trust you with my
knowledge, my heart and my feelings. Trust you to
take what I give and keep it.'
Orange clad Jinchuuriki blinked to that, and
nodded, once. Itachi didn't know how the blond
interpreted the meaning behind his words, but the
boy seemed satisfied with it. Maybe the trust in
itself was enough to explain his actions. He
decided to change the direction of the talk and
"We'll seal some of my chakra today, it will be
stored until the moment you unseal it, and only
then will it cause the physical aspects of the seal
to appear. That means that until then, it will be
"How do we do that?" Asked the boy glancing at
his chest and frowning. Itachi stood up and walked
to the bed; he sat and beckoned the blond to sit
by him. Naruto raised a brow at that. The man
frowned not understanding the look.
"I'll show you the hand seals. The technique you'll
use will open your chakra circulation system to
take in the foreign chakra. The technique I'll use,
will direct my chakra to the seal, and keep it
Naruto exhaled relieved and strode to the man; he
sat on his right. The man could only guess what
the boy imagined a moment before but he didn't
want to ponder over that so he turned to him and
started to show the hand seals. There were eight,
easy to remember, and the blond repeated them
about five times, to make sure he didn't make a
"W… what it will feel like?" The blond asked the
moment Itachi was ready to start. It stopped him
in his tracks and he frowned.
"I don't know."
Shocked, the blond glared at him."What do you
mean you don't know? What if it hurts!?"
Itachi frowned deeper, but then he relaxed and
raised his right brow."Are you scared of pain,
"No! But you can warn me!" The boy shouted
"All right, it may hurt." The man answered
The blond stared at him for a long moment but
then he sighed tiredly and started to make the
seals. Itachi easily caught up with him and after
the last seal he took Naruto's left hand in his. They
didn't move and Naruto observed Itachi's hand that
was holding his.
"Do you feel anything?" The man inquired watching
the blond. The boy shook his head, and after a
minute he frowned.
"Maybe that didn't work? I don't feel anythi… oh."
"What?" Itachi asked, seeing the boy's surprised
"My head is spinning." Was the response. Itachi
firmly held his hand and observed him.
"That won't take too long." He muttered, but then
the blond started to slightly swing. His blue eyes
rose to the ceiling and he gulped.
"I don't like that, Itachi." He whispered."I'm
falling…" His swings got wider and he almost fell
on his back. Itachi turned slightly and pulled the
blond on his lap. He held him close. The blonds
head fell on his shoulder.
"You're not falling. I am holding you." He said
feeling his chakra leave him.
It took only a minute longer for the last of his
reserves to transfer to Naruto, and he put the boy,
who was unconscious, on the bed, pulling the
sheets over him. The seal on the boy's chest was
gleaming, and his left hand unconsciously touched
it. Seeing that, Itachi had the urge to smile.
He gave all of his chakra, and was tired, but he
had to go. He leaned over the blond and let his
lips touch his forehead. Then he rose and walking
slowly left the room. Downstairs he saw Jiraya
sipping coffee by the table, in the dinning-room.
He walked to him and without looking up, the older
man lifted his arm and in his palm was a small
scroll. Itachi took it, and Jiraya got back to the
drink. On the table were notes and other scrolls, it
looked like he was writing another of his books.
"What is this." Asked Itachi glancing at the scroll.
From the corner of his eye, Jiraya looked up and
"This is your alibi." He turned back to his writings
and scribed something."You parted with your
partner to meet with an informant, but I assume
you don't have one in here. There you will find all
the recent news and rumors of the rock country. I
don't want anyone to know of what's transpiring in
here. Not even Hokage. And I expect of you the
same." He said sternly and Itachi nodded once, to
show that he agrees with this decision. He took a
soldier pill from his pouch and swallowed. Then,
without saying goodbye as before, he left.
Three days later found Jiraiya and Naruto in the
town on the border of the Rock country, after an
intense training they had a meal the blond insisted
on, and sat by the table in a small tavern, where
the older man kept repeating that he's not satisfied
with the old women that served the food there. It
was evening and Jiraiya let himself get a bottle of
sake, muttering that it made the world look
prettier. Naruto guessed that meant that his vision
blurred when he was drunk so at that point all the
ladies were beautiful in his opinion. He himself
whined a bit about the food being made of
vegetables, while he as always wanted ramen. All
in all, they were quits. He picked something green
and almost grimaced chewing the meal. His
teacher would've smirked if he noticed that, but he
was lost in thoughts and his gaze was directed at
his student's chest, making the teen
"What are you thinking of, Itachi?" He asked,
hoping to wake the hermit. The man blinked, and
looked at the blond.
"I think I won't teach you nin jutsu, or anything
about weapons." The man replied casually.
"What?! You can't do that!" Shouted the boy
indignantly and waved with his hands. He was
ready to jump from his sit and hit the pervert.
"Calm down, when you'll get Itachi's memories
you'll know more jutsu than I could ever possibly
teach you. So why lose our precious time teaching
you something you'll get later anyway?"
The blond stared at him stunned. He was shocked
but that quickly turned into anger.
"And what if I get those memories of his like, in
twenty years?"
The hermit choked and coughed, but he held his
emotions inside, and it was his turn to stare at his
student with shock.
"Are you calling Itachi stupid?"
"I didn't say that!" The teen quickly answered.
"You think he would be stupid not to realize that he
could find someone else in the future?" The man
asked incredulously. He shook his head at the
boy's foolishness and continued."He did that
because he knows that he will die soon. I don't
know how he's going to die or how he knows that,
but it must happen pretty damn soon. That's why
he's in a hurry."
Naruto leaned back in his sit, shocked even more.
Jiraiya was right; it was the only logical
explanation of Itachi's actions. And these strange
questions he asked… He asked what he thought of
Sasuke; how he was going to find him, save him,
protect him… What's behind it? Did he… test him?
What for? What Itachi really wants? He gives him
his soul and his abilities, and wants to know how
far Naruto will go to save his friend… He… wants
to… help Sasuke…? He wants to save Sasuke. He
wants to help him protect his friend, because his
friend is Itachi's… brother. What the hell all that
meant? Isn't Itachi the bad guy that kills his family,
hurts his sibling and hunts down the innocent
vessels of the bijuu? Despite his cold exterior,
Itachi is not crazy, and he is not a heartless killer,
even though he is… perfect shinobi. And the fact
that he helps Naruto and wants to protect his
brother says entirely different story about the man.
Who is Uchiha Itachi? And what is really behind the
façade of a killing machine?
One month later
The training of odama-rasengan went nicely, even
though it caused a lot of destruction around. The
noon graced the field somewhere in a Tea country
with the burning sun and a slight, warm wind, that
didn't help in dispersing the dust that covered the
area after another explosion. All around were the
pits in the ground and destroyed trees, showing
the level of damage the technique could cause.
The blond coughed and waved his hand, grimacing
at the result. He glanced further with the narrowed
eyes and they widened, seeing the familiar face.
"Itachi!" He greeted, widely smiling. The man stood
by the tree that was yet to be touched and he
softly smiled at the beaming face of the blond. He
walked forward toward him through the dust.
"Found a time to visit?" The teen asked, even
though it was obvious. The man slightly nodded
and unzipped his cloak. He stopped by the tree
behind the blond and put his cloak under it,
revealing him in black clothing; black shinobi
pants, black t-shirt, black mesh shirt, sandals…
black too. His necklace, as Naruto noticed before,
was grey but as dark as the rest. He saw all that
since the day he put the first bandage over the
man's injuries, but Itachi was healthy now, and his
looks were somehow different. The man sat on his
cloak under a tree and looked up at the teen.
"I have a bit of time. We'll seal my blood today."
He announced and noticed that Naruto's face
"Blood? …The hell? Why didn't you tell me earlier!"
He asked surprised. Itachi calmly gazed at him.
"Chakra is not enough to transfer the bloodline. It
requires the blood itself. I didn't tell you earlier
because I thought you realized it from the
beginning." He muttered tonelessly, which angered
the blond even more. Not wanting to throw his
anger at the man, the blond went across the field
to another tree, where he sharply picked up his
jacket and headband, and then he got back to the
man and put it there. Instead of anger he felt
nervous now, and Itachi's silence didn't help. He
still stood by him not knowing what to do, but he
somehow felt that Itachi was amused by that, even
though he didn't show it.
"Sit down, I'll show you the seals." He softly
motioned for the blond to get down, and Naruto
sat in front of him with the legs crossed. The man
raised his hands and very slowly made the twelve
hand signs, repeating them for the teen."This
technique will tie the blood to the seal and keep it
inactive until the moment you unseal the physical
aspects of it."
The blond nodded and repeated the hand signs. He
almost shrieked when Itachi pulled him closer and
he could swear he saw the grin on the man's face
when he pressed his back to his chest. He couldn't
see Itachi's face now, because the raven haired
man was behind, but he lifted his right pale hand
for the blond to look.
"You want to cut or to bite?" Itachi asked seriously,
but in his tone was the slight note of humor, as if
he wanted to laugh, but held it in. The blond
looked at the hand presented to him and grimaced.
"Cut." He answered and Itachi took kunai in his left
"Make the seals." He said cutting his wrist under
the blonds eyes and Naruto did so, noticing that
the seal on his chest for a moment gleamed. He
gulped, seeing the blood stream out the small cut,
and hesitantly, his hands touched the pale hand of
the man. He prepared himself to feel strange
sensations, unpleasant headaches, and whatever
else may come, and under the man's stare he
gently lifted the hand and his lips covered the
small wound on the wrist.
Just as he expected, the taste was metallic, salty
too. What else there was to expect? Itachi was
human too after all, and his blood couldn't be
different. He carefully let the blood flow into his
mouth, sipping. A moment later, he felt warmth
spread through him, and he relaxed, liking the
feeling. He closed his eyes and sucked a little, to
get more of it. Itachi's left hand encircled him and
pressed him to the man's chest tighter, but he
barely noticed. He swallowed and had the urge to
hold the man's hand more firmly, to get more of
that taste and bite his skin, letting his teeth sink
into it, but he didn't like the fact that he wanted it,
so he continued to be careful and gentle, he didn't
want to bruise the man's hand.
Itachi waited. He felt as Naruto relaxed and started
to like the drink. He prepared the blood pills
beforehand, and enjoyed the sight of the blond
reveling in the taste. He looked engrossed in the
action and even though he was gentle, it didn't
look like he planned to let go. He gave him one
more minute, before deciding that it was enough.
"That's enough for now, Naruto-kun." He
The blond opened his eyes and saw Itachi's left
hand raise the prepared bandage. He stopped
sucking and instead lightly licked the wound. He
heard a sharp intake of breath from the man at the
action, and repeated it with pleasure.
Itachi suppressed a shudder and saw the blond
take the bandage and wrapping it around his wrist
carefully. Then, making the last small knot, the
blond placed his hand down over the left hand that
was above his stomach, letting Itachi's hands fully
encircle him and leaned back to his chest, sighing
with content. Itachi could stand up and leave him
like that, but he didn't want to. He looked down at
the face of the teen and wondered if he fell asleep.
His left hand rose and found a blood pill in his
pouch. He swallowed it and looking down again he
found the blue eyes opened, half lidded, but still.
He could see the reflection of the tree they were
under and the cloudy sky in them, and
remembered that his own black eyes never
reflected the world around. The blond lifted their
right hands and looked at Itachi's bandaged one.
He straightened the palm and fingers and looked
at it closely.
"People say that if fingers are longer than a palm,
it is the sign that the person relies on his mind
and logic. And if the palm is longer than fingers, it
is the sign that the person heavily relies on his
heart." The blond muttered, stroking the man's
pale and long fingers."You're very smart, Itachi."
The man looked down at their hands and had to
agree with that logic.
"Then it means that you have a very big heart." He
replied, and frowned when the blond entwined their
fingers and raising their hands …kissed Itachi's.
"Also, you're a good liar." The teen added and fully
turned around, facing the man. He let his legs
almost encircle Itachi and he let his hands rest
against the man's chest. He continued in a
whisper."You've managed to convince the whole
world, everyone, that you're a heartless killer,
murderer, criminal." He said leaning closer to
Itachi's face."Everyone, but me."
He stared in the man's eyes, and then his gaze fell
on the lines that traveled from under his eyes to
his cheeks. His hands gripped the man's shirt in
fists, and he leaned even closer, pressing his lips
lightly to the man's for a short moment.
Itachi was lost. The moment the teen breathed out
the last sentence his heart stopped. He couldn't
breathe. He couldn't think. And then those lips
touched his, as if to prove the said words. He
stared at the face close to his and noticed that the
blue eyes were still half lidded in tiredness.
"You're affected by the seal, Naruto-kun." He
stated, and at these words the blue orbs widened
in surprise, but a moment later the blond smirked.
He leaned in again.
"Maybe." His right hand rose to Itachi's face and
his thumb traced the line on the man's face."You
think I didn't notice? The way you touched your
headband, the way your fingers traced the symbol
of the village …gently …lovingly…" He breathed out
and his thumb slowly slid down the man's jaw
line. "That gesture… is done by those who love
their village… and you are… one of them." He
leaned to the man's lips again.
"Don't." Itachi managed to whisper back and his
left arm rose to the boy's shoulder to stop him. He
felt his heart start to beat loudly in his chest,
scaring him. The left hand of the blond gripped his
shirt even tighter and the fingers of his right
appeared behind the man's head; those fingers
combed the black hairs.
"No 'don'ts'…." The teen whispered back and firmly
pressed their lips together.

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