First Period

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Niall walked with me to my first period class which was math and it turns out he has math too. I walk up to the teacher who's name is something French that I certainly cannot pronounce.

"Hi, Mr. ....A? I'm the new girl who transferred from Ireland. Where am I supposed to sit?" He looks at me and I notice that he's very young looking. He has tousled brown hair that goes to his eyebrows and piercing green eyes a large hooked nose and small lips that shape around his perfectly straight teeth.

"Oh hi. Rackel is it?"

"Actually its Racquel. But you can call me Rocky." I say glancing at the math equations pastes to the walls all over the room.

"Ok Rocky, you can go sit by the loud blonde....  Niel."

" IT'S NIALL!" Niall yells from the back of the room. I turn top look at him and he winks at me. I blush out of instinct. I tend to blush even when the slightest bit embarrassed. I walk over to Niall.

"He's not good with names I'm guessing." I say turning to Niall.

"No, not at all."he says smiling at me again. "So your from Ireland? I grew up in Ireland but when I was about 13 we moved to Londen."

"I could tell by the accent." I said giving him a playfull wink.

*** fastforward to 3rd p. ***

I laughed walking out of 3rd period with Niall and one of his friends, Harry. We were laughing our butts off because of Harry who threw a dictionary at the teacher after she was giving us a lecture on bullying. She said "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me." Then Harry said "what about if I did this?" he threw the dictionary and said "these words might hurt."

My face must have been so red from laughing because I felt so hot.

"That room was so hot. How do you stand it every day?" I asked finally cooling off as we walked outside to the cafeteria.

"It's just hot 'cause you were there." Harry said winking and nudging me with his elbow.

" Harry, its her first day. You have to hit on every pretty girl?" Niall said sounding annoyed by Harry. To me it sounded like harry was a total flirt. I knew I couldn't possibly like someone who is flirty with every girl but I felt it in the pit of stomach that I had a crush.

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