Chapter 9

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I sigh to myself as I sit up in my bed. It had been a week since Ethan told me the truth about who he really is . I walk over to the mirror and look at myself . I frown as i see the bite marks on my neck. I place my hand against them and rub my neck. I make my way to the bathroom to get dressed for the day. I look down at my body as I undress and see two new bruises on my arm. As soon as I get out of the bathroom Ethan walks in . I flinch as he walks over to me. I see a flicker of regret in his eyes but it disappears  quickly. He glares at me and grabs my arm. He walks over to the book shelf and opens the door. He throws me onto the bed and climbs over me. He bites into my neck and pins me against the bed. I whimper a bit cause the pain but he seems to ignore it. He pulls away from my neck smirking. He lets me go and grabs the rope from one of the drawers. He ties me to the bed as tight as he can and starts slowly undressing me. I shake my head at him but he continues to undress me. Tears start to slip out of my eyes and Ethan notices. He stops and slowly pulls away from me. He shakes his head and punches the wall

"What is wrong with me ?" He says and puts his hands on his head. 

I try to pull on the ropes that were around my wrists. I whimper as my wrists start to bleed from it. Ethan hears me and looks over at me.  He rushes over and breaks the rope off my wrists.  He bites his lips and storms out of the room.  I look at my wrists and they we're really red and bloody.  I make my way back to the main bedroom and go straight to the bathroom.  Before I could take care of myself Amy comes in and rushes to the bathroom. 

"What are you doing here? "

"I saw blood on Ethan's hands and it worried me. "

"Oh. " I say

She gives me a small smile and starts tending to my wrists.  "Did he hurt you in anyway? " she says and looks down me

"No just the wrists ." I say "and that's kinda my fault for trying to get loose."

She shakes her head at me and wraps up my wrists. "I'm going to see if Mark can get us a room together."

"Okay." I say quietly. 

She guides me out of my room and in to hers. She lets me lay on her bed and she grabs her game controllers. She brings to over to the bed and offers one to me "You wanna play?"

"Yea." I say and smile at her. 

I take the controller from her hand and she starts the game. We play a couple round and then Mark walks in with Ethan. I look at Ethan with wide eyes and cower away from him. Mark looks over at Ethan and gives him a weird look. Ethan slowly walks over to me and grabs my hand. He kisses it lightly and gently leads me out of bed. He leads me to my room and throws me on the bed. He slaps me across the face. 


I shake my head and let out a soft "no" 

He glares at me "Don't leave this room ever." He rushes out of the room and slams the door. 

After a while I hear a soft knock on the door and it opens. It was Mark and Amy. Mark stands at the side of my bed while Amy sits next to me. 

She sighs "I know you might not want to hear this but in a couple days there's a ball that Mark and his brother have to attend. He also has to bring you?"

"Why?" I ask

"People with power and money have to show it and one way of showing it is bringing their human slaves along. " She says

I look over at Mark for confirmation and he nods his head. I look down at my bed and sigh . Amy gives me a hug and Mark takes that as his que to leave the room . Amy crawls into bed with me and continues hugging me. I bury my face into her chest and cry. She tries her best to comfort me and hush me but I just cry harder. 

"Shshshsh it'll be okay. It's not even for a whole day. He won't be able to mistreat you so much in public. Yes they do it in private but they all think it's disgusting to do while other vampires are around." 

I nod my head and she gives me a small smile "Would you like me to stay in here with you tonight?"

I say a quiet yes and she nods her head. She pulls the blankets over us and lets me cry myself asleep in her arms. 

To The Highest Bidder (Crank Gameplays X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now