Watching from afar

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*bows deeply* I am so sorry! I haven't posted in a while, my laptop is temporarily out of commission and so I wasn't able to gain access to all my completed stories till recently....Anyways a fair warning this one is dark and may contain triggers for those who still love the one that left them or any who have lost their significant other recently.


I watch from afar, we had once been together but now we're not. You believed my lies and left without a backwards glance, without even trying. You believed my lies so easily. Now I stand silent tears making tracks down my cheeks as I watch you smile and laugh in the arms of another, I can feel my heart break even more as I belittle myself for speaking those lies in the first place. The lies that pushed you away from me when I really just wanted you closer, the walls I built around my heart to prevent it from being hurt again.

You and your guest came to my work place today, did you forget that I worked here, or did you wish to throw salt onto my wounds by showing how happy you are without me. I was able to keep busy in the back so I didn't have to watch but watch I did, I was a sucker for punishment it seems, it hurt to watch you laugh and smile with her but I couldn't tear my eyes away, you left before the tears could form and I dived further into my work so that I could push all my emotions aside, to bury myself so far in that you couldn't reach me to add more salt or a new cut.

The news spread fast like wildfire in a dry forest, you had passed away. I cried that night for I had never truly let you go, not in my heart. I stood there looking at your cold body as it laid there in that oak casket, it seemed so wrong they didn't get your glow of life right and the color was all were much paler than that and your lips were a softer pink. I gently reach out with my hand to touch your face, it was so cold, no one was around so I reached down and left a gentle kiss on your lips as a promise 'soon love, you won't have to stay in there, wait for me a little longer'

It was dark as I went to the site, it was so simple to dig up the casket again. Like a thief I took you away from there, you didn't deserve to rot away in a half forgotten grave, no love I will preserve you so that your beauty never dies, a beauty that should be shown to the world, but I am greedy and wish to keep you all to myself. I let you go once, I will not do so again. 'Your mine now love and no one will take you away from me again' I smile, it's broken but I don't care, after all I'm a puppet and your my master


If you haven't already go check my counterpart story following Dreams' sister Blackrose, i just posted a new tale in her book of the same name

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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