My Crazy Roomie

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The airplane trip to america was awesome! Somehow my dad managed to get me a Business class seat! 18 days I spent reading,drawing,playing Mario or Bomby man,watching Phineas&Ferb (told ya) or Lab Rats,pooping,peeing,sleeping,eating......the rest you probrably know.

It was kinda boring,with the same routine and all,but the freedom was fun.

When  the plane landed,I was full of energy,excited,scared and jittery.Basically,I was shitting bricks.An arranged cab took me tot he school.Itwas nighttime and suprisingly,only a few cars were on the road.The school is what a normal American school would look like,3 floor giant field baby blue,3 blocks.The dorms were right across the road.White,wilted pot plants,wooden doors,five floors.Wow,and this ain't even a boarding school.

My dorm is on the third floor last one to the right.I wonder what my roomate will be like,maybe its a really cherrful and friendly cheerleader,an artist who understands people maybe? But of course she's a feline.I mean,what kinda school supports opposite sex roomies?

I breathed in the night air and opened the door.In front of me stood a boy,my age,with gorgeously messy brown hair,green eyes,tan skin,grinning like blood(I say blood 'cause Blood Of Olympus hasn't come out yet) ,holing a bucket of Cookie Dough Ben&Jerry's and wearing a blue party hat.I wasn't sure whether to scream or laugh.

His grin dropped.

"Don't like cookie dough?"Damn,his voice was so perfect it's texture was suction-cuppyly addictive.

"No,I love it.But you-you're a guy."

"Yeah I am.You know I have proof...."He started to unbuckle his belt.

"Woah!Dude!I didnt need proof!"I yelled slamming my eyes shut.

"Shh..Just kidding.The other students will wake up.Come in.You must be freezing."As if on cue,I sneezed.I followed him inside,throught the kitchen and into a bedroom.


"Sorry,its a bit messy."

"Are you kidding?This is neat as blood!"


"I'm freakishly weird that way."

"Haha.This is your side of the room.Single bed,small wardrobe,a book shelf...pretty much your typical american bedroom.Byt he way,aren't you-woah."

He had his back turned to me and that bucket of ice-cream looked so good.When he turned back around,I had ice-cream on my nose,a cold spoon in my mouth,a half-empty bucket of ice-cream in my hands and ice cream on my t-shirt.

He laughed,a donkey,a monkey,a hyena laugh.It was beautiful despite being a mixture of amused animals.Just standing there and enjoying his laugh wasn't an option,so I laughed along.We only stopped when someone next door yelled,


We  went rigid,then doubled over lying side by side on the floor,legs kicking the air and our hands hugging ourselves with silent mental laughter.Slowly we both calmed down and just lied there staringat the ceiling.Glow-in-the-dark stars adorned the walls on his side of the room.

I shot up."O'rion"

"Mmhm.The whole wall is filled with constellations."

"Big-dipper.Bear.Scorpio.Leo.A heart?"

"Oh finally someone noticed.I put that heart there as a prank a year ago."He said geting up."I'll fill the tub for you."


"Don't you wanna bathe?"

"Nah.I bathed already."


"On the plane."


"You're starting to sound like my mother.In the morning."

"Come on,take another bath.It'll be refreshing."


"If you dont bathe,I'll strip you,push you in and go in with you. "

Bite me.My roomate's a lunatic.

"Ok.Fine.Pervert."I dug out my fluffy red towel,ablue tee and my red shorts.I waited for him to move out of the toilet doorway,but he just stood there staring at me with wild eyes.

"No pink?No before bed makeup?No comb?No facial cream?No mask?No lotion?Just that?"

"Yeah,and ew,never pink."

He went in and a few seconds later,I heard rushing water.

"You know,I never got your name."I said,taking a seat on the bed.

"Aiden,Aiden Stein Syder."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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