Chapter 7

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My first day at school, I walked through the halls whistling

"Hey, someone's happy"

"Oh hey Matt, I don't know what you mean?" I laughed.

Ok I'll admit, the picture cheered me up and I'll admmit Nik (the handsome but kinda creepy brooding man that saved me) was quite hot...ok he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen, but I was truly happy because I finally felt that I had fit in and belonged somewhere.

"Oh my god, I'm so going to fail, I'm so stressed right now" Caroline said as she tried to calm herself down.

Oh crap I had forgotten all about this, I had a major history test, Ric had warned me and told me to revise.....

"You forgot didn't you...Kassie, do you not care about your future!" She stormed off, wow she didn't deal with stress well!

I walked into the history classroom and Ric smiled at me. I walked up to him awkwardly. "Umm...Ric.."

"What have you done now, Kass?" He folded his arms

"It's kinda what I didn't do."

"You didn't revise did you?"

"Im sorry,Ive been...distracted." I said.

"I can't give you special treatment, you know!" I stared at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine I guess I can make one exception..."

"Thanks uncle Ric!" I hugged him until the class started to walked in. He coughed awkwardly, I rushed to my seat.

"Hello class, we have a new student here today her name is Kassia Saltzman and shes come all the way from England so lets welcome her nicely ok."

The class listened intently, I could tell they liked and respected my uncle. "Sir are you two related?"

"Yes, she is my niece, thanks for your curiosity Miss Matthews." She twirled her hair round her finger, you could tell she was a slut.

"Anyway what sort of name is Kassia?" I turned around and glared at her.

"It's a viking name, actually, it means wisdom and grace."

Miss Matthews (I did not know her name) just pulled a pout at me. Ugh what a jerk!

I looked for an empty seat but there was only one next to Damon. 'Great' I thought as I sat down next to him. "Hey, beautifu-"

"Don't even try it!. I interuppted him.

"Arent you a little old to be here anyway". He muttered some comeback and I just rolled my eyes. When the test was given out, my face dropped.

1) Do you think the alliance system or the Arms race was the most important cause of WW1.

Oh crap, I didn't even know what the arms race was. Damon laughed at my horrified expression and he gave me his finished sheet.

"What! How? I never had you down as a history geek!"

"Well you know, been there done that!" He laughed but I didn't get his joke, like he was old enough to be in WW1!

Eventually the test finished and Ric pulled me over into a corner.

"What were you talking about with Damon?"

"Nothing, well not really!"

"So he hasn't told you any...interesting secrets then?"

"No, why? What aren't you telling me?" He pretended that he didn't hear anything and walked away. I vow to find out this secret!

At lunch I found Caroline and Elena with Bonnie, giggling over something.

"Oh heyy, so have you heard there another founders ball!" Elena said clapping her hands.

Oh great- another event for me to go to by myself looking lonely. They talked for ages about their dates. Bonnie was going with Jeremy, Matt with Selena (Miss Matthews now has a name) and Elena and Stefan and and Caroline and Jeremy where together. As for Damon, I'm sure he can find some slut to go with.

"So who you gonna go with?" Bonnie asked.

"I...uh I don't think Im gonna's not really my thing?"

They stared at me with their mouths wide open and they lectured me on how its traditional. Caroline vowed to get me a date, she said I could hook up with her friend Jackson.

"No, guys it's fine, I'll come but not with Jackson...I'll come alone thanks."

After school I went to the grill to drown my sorrows. I had felt their sympathy. Maybe I was doomed to be alone! "Hello love we meet again."

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