Chapter 10

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"It's nearly midnight, where the fuck is she?!" Water shouted into the dark. Frustrated that he had to stay for an undetermined amount of days. He thought to the clergy had calculated the exact day, not the week or however long. "UGH! I don't want to do this for much longer. I don't want to be aloe..." Water missed Alpha greatly even though it had been barely a day. He needed him. Water knew his clinginess was sometimes obnoxious and embarrassing, but it was just who he was around Alpha.

He had never been that way around or for any one else. Any previous friends or lovers, he had always acted as though they were replaceable, free to leave with no repercussions. No feelings of attachment whatsoever. Until he met Alpha. Water knew from the moment his scent surrounded him in the first meeting, when they decided to start the band, that he would never the same without it. His scent engulfed him, drowned his every sense, filled his heart with an unusual longing for the man he had only just met.

Water, in all his lust, couldn't bring himself to say anything in the moment. Every ghoul knew Alpha was paired to Omega. It broke his heart. Alphas scent penetrated him every time they were rehearsing, performing and doing photoshoots. Any time Alpha got near him on stage, it would drive him crazy. But bearing witness to he and Omegas connection, had kept him in his place. For a time, anyways.

Water snapped back in, he had just been standing there, in the woods, in the dark reminiscing about Alpha. He blushed though there was no one around to be embarrassed for. He rubbed his face with one hand and pulled out a cig with the other. Lighting it and taking a deep pull, he tried to steady his frustration with the timing.

: Well, its just a week, i can survive a week. you'll be fine! Just a week...and when its done, my Alpha will be over joyed to see me and be a gushy lovey fest! Just a week, you can do have to do it...:

Finishing his cig, he sat down and leaned against a tree. Staring up at the moon, he wondered if Alpha was looking up at it too. Feeling the cutsey warmth burn in his chest, he let out a giggle.

: What a ridiculous ball of mush I have become...:

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