Chapter one

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" We've got an issue boss! " my right hand, Nikola, yells over the phone. Annoyance starts bubbling up.

" What is it now?  " I drawl back.

" HELLO!! " I yell into the phone, ' what's she done this time ' I think to myself while massaging in between my eyes with my index and middle finger. Pacing around in my room at my New York estate, I start getting dressed in black jeans, white undershirt, black combat boots, and a black leather jacket. I hang up, and dial Nikolay, Nikola's twin brother, aka my tracker.

" Track your sister's phone. " I state to him after he picks up on the second ring.

" Yes boss. " he says back then hangs up. I retrieve my favorite 9mm handgun. I get a text Nikolay: She's at the hotel.  Me: Okay. ' what the h*ll is she doing at the hotel? ' I think to myself. I jog down a hallway and three flights of stairs to the massive double front doors, they are hickory wood with intricate designs engraved into the wood, my favorite part of the house. I open the door and jog to my 1964 black chevy impala, a small smile finds its way on my face. This is my favorite car, it was my father's. His pride and joy until he died when I was 10. He used to be the boss of the Abondanato mafia. When he died my mom took over till I was of age. At 16 I became boss because my mom passed. I'm 23 now. I shake my head to get the thoughts out of my head. Making my way to the car I unlock it and slide in with a small sad smile. I make my way to Blackwell.

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