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Both of them were big fans of mine and were looking for me. I wanted to laugh, as I obviously thought that this was a prank. I was only a small Youtuber that had barely started a few months ago, only got around a thousand views, and only had almost 5 hundred subscribers, the only thing I posted were stupid things about my life and reviewed some of my favorite things possibly even reacting to some videos(in my opinion none of that stuff was seen as interesting).

How could they, popular youtubers who were older AND more successful then me, be fans of a **-year-old that I guess basically copied them, I literally looked like I could be their long lost child as I have ******** eyes like one of them have my hair cut and swept to the left side (in others perspective) like Phil and had ******** colored hair like the other...

Anyways, after they had calmed down from fanboying I had asked if they wanted to be in a video I was about to record, the topic was ****, and what a coincidence they had stuff to say about it also. After the video was over I went to the kitchen and asked if they wanted anything, them saying yes I started to prepare the food, I don't remember what it was we ate but they really enjoyed it. When we all finished eating and when I was done washing the dishes I asked what they were really doing here, they said that they were here to see me as they were fans of me, still not believing them, I chuckled and then asked if they wanted to do another collaboration, maybe something similar to their Phil is not on fire stuff but like our own thing we could do together and what we came up with was...

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