Chapter 12

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"Why did you break up with Jed?"

The question startled me and woke me from the depths of my sleep. But what startled me more was the voice of the person who asked me the question. Because goddamn, I missed that voice.

"P-Perrie? What are you doing? It's-..." I glance at the clock on the bed stand  "christ's sake mate, it's 3am."

"Just answer my question, Jade. Why did you break up with Jed?" Perrie asks again and she approaches my bed.

I sit up and for a moment, I revel on the fact that I am finally talking to Perrie again. That she's talking to me. That I can finally smell that sweet smell of hers; of lavenders with that exotic hint of..... alcohol?

What the- She's drunk?

"Perrie, have you been drinking?" I ask as I slowly remove the blankets over me and stand to go near her.

But she backs away quickly and she stumbles on her feet. I catch her just in time and we're close. So close. And damn, the stench of alcohol is getting to my nose.

"Don't touch me!" Perrie fights me and after I make sure she's not going to wobble again I let go and sit back on my bed.

"Can you just answer my question, Jade?" She asks again.

I sigh out and look up to see her staring at me. Even in the dark with only the moonlight peeking in from my hotel windows, and even if she's pissed drunk, Perrie is still beautiful. Stunningly beautiful.

"Our- also Jed's schedules, it's just, it's too busy. We couldn't find time to squeeze each other in it."

Her brows furrow and it takes all of me to rush to her and kiss those creases away? "You've made it work before. Heck you've seen each other less than the number of months in a year all of last year and you still made it work. Jade, can you just- please j-just - answer me. Truthfully, this time." She pleads. I swear I could see longing in her eyes.

I couldn't help it this time, couldn't stop myself. I stood up and in two strides I am in front of her holding her hands. "Baba why does it even matter?"

She readjusts her palms and I thought she was going to let go but she surprises me and intertwines our hands together. Oh my god, This feels so right.

"It matters to me Jade."

I frown at her and give a pout and the side of her mouth curls up into a sad smile. "P-perrie-" I start but then she shakes her head. And disappointment surges through me because just as quickly as she holds my hands, she. Let's. Go

And I am left yet again confused and lost and yearning.

All for this mystery that is Perrie Edwards.


Shortest update in the whole wide world I'm sorry!!! Don't hate me. I'm getting writer's block for this story.
I swear I have like 4 drafts saved in my Notes for one (!!!) chapter cause I just can't seem to make it right. (I'm trying to use the suggestions you guys gave in the previous chapters btw )

but yeah, sorry again and stay with me! In the meantime I'll be frequently updating penthouse princess, which i hope you guys love, because it's beginning to be my favorite story x

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