Chapter VIII

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The next morning I had a lot of trouble getting out of bed. Probably because I’d hardly slept the night before. After fighting with Lily, which leaded to her using the Aquamenti charm and me almost killing her, I got dressed. We went down to breakfast and I sat down in-between Sirius and Remus with James on the other side of the table with Peter next to him.

‘Morning guys.’ I said while yawning.

‘Morning.’ They echoed. I looked around the table for food and groaned. ‘What’s wrong?’ Remus asked.

‘There’s nothing with sugar in it.’

‘There’s never anything with sugar in it.’ James said while rolling his eyes at me.

‘Shut up. Pass me the freaking eggs.’ I snapped. They pushed it towards me.

‘What has gotten into you?’ he muttered, making me glare at him.

‘I had hardly any sleep and to top it off, Lily woke me up with Aquamenti. That is what has gotten into me!’ I said angrily while throwing my fork back on the table. Sirius put an arm around me.

‘Someone’s PMS’ing.’ I slapped him before pushing him of the bench, making him land on the floor on his butt.

‘Shut the hell up!’

‘Faith. Calm down.’ I looked at him before sighing deeply.

‘Okay, fine.’ I said before I started eating again.

‘How the hell did you do that?’ James asked Sirius incredulously. He just shrugged. Right that moment owls came flying in.

‘Oh look mail’s here.’ Sirius said. My head snapped up and a smile spread across my face.  Sunny flew in after James’ owl and both of them landed on the middle of the table. Sunny hooted happily and dropped a letter on my now empty plate. Then Sirius groaned. I looked up to see his mother’s owl fly in. I patted his back.

‘Good luck.’

‘Funny.’ Sunny hooted for my attention.

‘Thanks Sun.’ I said while patting his head affectionately. ‘Want some toast sweetie?’ I asked it and he hooted again. I giggled and gave him some. ‘There you go hon.’

‘You really have a soft spot for him don’t you?’ Remus asked with a smile. I nodded and smiled. I picked up the letter and read it.

Dear Faith,

How are you sweetheart. How’s school? Having any problems with the homework?

We miss you a lot! Are you staying at school for Christmas or are you coming home?

We heard you’re going to Hogsmead this weekend. We enclosed some money for you to buy something nice.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Lots of love,

Mum and Dad

I smiled. I looked at Sirius who threw his letter angrily back on the table. I gave him a questioning look. He tossed me the letter.


We expect you home for Christmas. We’re having a family reunion.

We expect you to behave properly. And stop hanging out with that blood-traitor Potter and those half-bloods you call friends.

Regulus told me you fancy a girl. Is she a full-blood? She better be. If she is you need to take her with you for Christmas so we can meet her. Be nice to your cousins and be more like Regulus.

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