Chapter XI

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I was only able to avoid Lily for one day because as soon as I walked into the dormitory, Alice, Molly and Lily had me cornered. ‘Hi girls.’ I said nervously.

‘Don’t ‘Hi girls’ us! Sit down and start talking.’ Lily said with a huge smile.

‘I have homework.’ I lied smoothly.

‘Forget about the homework!’ Lily yelled at me.

‘Who are you and what have you done with Lily?’ I laughed as I sat down on my bed. The three of them looked at me expectantly.

‘Sooo?’ Alice asked.

‘So?’ I teased.

‘Tell us!’

‘Nothing happened.


Five minutes later and a lot of swearing from me, threats from Alice and Lily trying to bribe me, I was on the ground with Alice sitting casually on by back with her wand waving dangerously in front of my face. ‘ALICE GET THE FREAKING HELL OF MY BACK OR I WILL KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!’ I yelled at the top of my lungs.

‘NOT UNLESS YOU TELL US!’ She yelled even louder.

‘STOP YELLING!’ Lily yelled.

‘Alice I can’t breathe.’ I said.

‘Alice get off of her! She’s turning blue.’ Lily said. Alice didn’t move.

‘Alice I will curse you into oblivion if you don’t move your fat arse off my back right now!’ I said. She got off slowly and I inhaled as much air as I could. ‘Thanks.’

‘Don’t mention it. Now talk, if you don’t want me to sit on you again.’

‘He kissed me.’ I whispered.

‘WHAAAAT?!’ Three voices yelled. ‘and then?’ Lily added.

‘I kissed back.’ I said even softer. ‘and then James walked in.’ I added rolling my eyes.

‘Oh! I’m gonna kill that Potter!’ Lily said. ‘He always ruins everything!’ We laughed.

‘That’s his job Lil.’ Alice said and Lily rolled her eyes.

‘Well, that’s just great.’ She said with a sigh which made me laugh even more. ‘Can’t we get him fired?’ she added.



‘Not a chance.’

She pouted. ‘I don’t like him.’

‘You will eventually.’ I teased. ‘I saw it in your teacup in Divination.’

She raised an eyebrow. ‘Babe. I don’t even TAKE Divination!’

‘But if you did I would have know that you are going to like him eventually.’

‘You are not even making sense!’

‘That’s what you think.’


The Christmas holidays were nearing and I decided to go home because none of my friends were staying. I was packing my trunk, with the help of Lily, Alice and Molly because I suck, when I came across something of our first year. How did I forget this was still here. I showed it to my friends, who giggled at the memory. It was one of the moving pictures we made in our first year. It was in front of the Quidditch pitch before the start of the first Quidditch game of the year. We were laughing and pushing each other around while the leaves where falling down from the trees. I stood up and they looked at me questioningly. ‘Come on. We need another picture.’ They laughed and followed me out. When we walked up to the pitch we saw some students flying around on their brooms. I recognized James, of course he was there. He and his Quidditch addiction.

‘OI POTTER! GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE AND TAKE A PICTURE OF US!’ I yelled at him. He flew down to us.

‘What are you yelling abut?’ He asked annoyed, probably because I had stopped him from playing.

‘You.’ I said pointing at him and pushing the camera into his hands. ‘picture.’ He sighed and took a few steps back as we smiled at the camera. ‘THANKS.’ We yelled at them before we ran back to the castle.

‘Weirdo’s.’ I heard him mutter and I laughed.


The next day we were off to the Hogwarts express. After finding an empty compartment I kicked my feet up on the seat across from me. Lily scolded me, like she usually does, and I ignored her, like I usually do. I leaned back and looked out of the window. The compartment door slid open but I didn’t look up. I felt someone sit down next to me.

‘Hey.’ A familiar voice whispered.

‘Hey.’ I whispered back as I looked up in his grey eyes.

‘Going home for Christmas?’ He asked awkwardly.

‘Um, yeah... That’s why I’m on the train right now... That’s the point of these trains. To get us home...’ I answered even more awkwardly. I’m socially awkward. I should be locked up. Far away. Where I couldn’t bother people with my awkwardness...



‘So uh... What are you doing for Christmas?’ Another awkward question. Well that’s just great. This will end up like a total nightmare.

‘Celebrating with my dad’s family on Christmas eve and for the rest, nothing. You?’ Wait! I already knew. I asked a stupid question. Again!

‘Uh, we’re having this sort of family reunion thing with family. So yeah. It’s gonna suck.’ This is getting more awkward every second. If I could rate this on awkwardness where 1 would be the lowest and ten obviously the highest, it would be a 12 because there’s always room for even more awkwardness. That even sounded awkward in my mind. Oh god! Help me! I’m going crazy. I’m talking to myself. Wait people are talking to me, maybe I should tune in again.

‘Hm? Sorry what?’ I stuttered. Lily rolled her eyes.

‘I asked if you wanted anything from the trolley.’ I must have zoned out for quite some time then.

‘Uhm, yeah sure. Just give me some, uh, liquorice wands and chocolate frogs.’



‘No she’s not.’ James argued.

‘Shut up James.’ Everyone except for Peter said. I might have added a, ‘Nobody likes you.’ But I’m not sure.

‘You know what?’ I asked slowly.


‘I want a Pegasus for Christmas.’ Silence. ‘Or maybe a baby cow. They’re cute.’

‘Do you mean a calf?’ Lily asked being all smart-ass.

I thought about it for a few seconds. ‘Yeah. Those. I think...’

Before we even knew it we’d reached Kings Cross Station. We got off the train and said goodbye. I first hugged Molly, then Alice and then I hugged Lily. I turned to the boys and hugged James and Remus, ignoring Peter completely because nobody likes him, and then turned to Sirius.

‘Uhm, bye.’

‘Bye.’ Oh what the hell. Who cares anyway. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he immediately responded by wrapping his around my waist. I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.

‘Good luck.’ I said and he laughed and kissed me softly on the lips, to complete shock of Remus and Peter. I heard Lily, Molly and Alice trying to hide a giggle and I restrained myself from rolling my eyes and smiled at him. I closed my eyes and kissed him again.

‘Oooookay that’ll be enough.’ Lily laughed as she saw my parents entering the platform. I let go and followed her my cheeks still bright red. I hugged my parents and shot a glance back at my friends. Sirius already seemed completely annoyed as he had joined his parents. I couldn’t wait to go back to Hogwarts. But for now, I was going to enjoy the holidays.

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