Chapter 1 - Getting to school

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"Taemin-ah!" I called as I ran at my fullest speed towards the dashing boy. "Wait up!" I panted. The young dark brown-haired boy carried on running, for a six year old he was very fast.

I had to stop, I couldn't catch up. I leant against the nearest lampost and watched Taemin get further away. "Oppa~" I called as loud as I could "Oppa come back!!" I begged. 

"Taemin, JaeHwa!" Noona called. She had finally caught up to me but Taemin was no where to be seen. "Aish~ Where is that little punk!" Noona snapped looking around quickly.

"He.. Went.. That.. Way!" I panted, still catching my breath. My legs ached like crazy, my stomach rumbled. So I decided it was a good time to eat my packed lunch. I sat down by the lampost and pulled out my lunch. "Mmm, Kimchi!" I murmured.

"I'll be right back stay here!" Noona warned. She ran off in the direction I told her. "You better get back here you little punk!" She called. "We're going to be late for your first day~!" She screamed.

I giggled slightly and didn't mind at the slightest that I was alone, it gave me a bit of peace before that troublemaker and Noona was back. I rubbed my stomach, full after my Kimchi. I smiled and looked around. Noona and Taemin are bound to come back any second now... Just as if they read my mind I saw them heading back to me, Noona was carrying Taemin on her back, he was squirming and giggling. 

"Noona! Taemin!" I called and ran over. Noona looked flustered and angry. She looked at Taemin whilst lowering him to the ground.

"Now, listen to me Tae!" She scolded, grabbing a tight grip around his small arm. "You running off has now made us late for school, now you will be punished. Hand it over!" She held out her free hand. Taemin looked up at her with a cheeky grin and hugged his backpack tightly.

"Aniyo!!" He shouted not wanting to give his Crunky bar. It was his favourite chocolate bar, chocolate covered Rice Crispies! I smiled, it was funny to me when Taemin was naughty, he was very cheeky. But that's what made him loveable. 

"Taemin..." Noona was losing her temper, or whatever was left of it. "Hand.. it.. over.." She tried to sound as polite as she possibly could.

"ANIYO!" Taemin whined trying to tug away from Noona. I covered my mouth so not to giggle to loud, it cheers Taemin on. 

"Taemin please hand it over!" Noona pleaded. Taemin still didn't want to gve it up.

"Aniyo!" He shouted in her face. She just gritted her teeth and stood up, from her former kneeling position. 

"Fine! Look, we are twice as late now, so come on!" Noona gave up on Taemin and started to pull him along the pavement towards the school. I skipped along next to Noona smiling up at her. It was  good for me since Noona thought I was a little angel, and compared to Taemin I was. 

Well today was our first day in pre-school. Taemin didn't want to go. He looks grumpy now, but I don't mind it. I like going to school, new friends and teachers! Today was going to be great! Finally we got to the grey school yard. There was hardly any green except the odd few tufts around the trees.

"Where is the grass Noona?" I asked shocked. She looked down at me smiling. 

"This is just the front yard, maybe they have a field around there!" She pointed to a metal gate on the side of the school. I nodded, but I wasn't too sure. I think that there is no grass, which was a shame, me and Taemin loved to do roly-polys and cartwheels. I shrugged it off, it wouldn't matter to me! Taemin wasn't happy about it!

"WHERE IS THE GRAAAAASS?!" He complained jumping up and down. Noona tugged at his arm.

"Taemin behave, like I said they probably have a field or something!" Noona scolded. Taemin huffed and crossed his arms. Noona sighed and slowly shook her head as she guided us to the main door of the school. 

The school building was pretty, it had some patterns of flowers and random paintings on the walls. The school was overall a yellowish colour, and looked very child-friendly. I definately liked the look of the colourful walls and roofs. I smiled exploring the school with my eyes, I couldn't wait to see the inside. Taemin didn't bother to look, his eyes were fixed on the ground and his face held a grumpy frown. He hated this, I could tell. 

Noona looked at her watch again. "Right, thanks to Taemin we are a bit late, but you should be okay, come on let's take you to your classroom." Taemin just groaned.

"Okay Noona!" I replied happily. Noona led us into the building and through a few corridoors, even they were full of pretty patterns and colours. Finally we reached our classroom, Noona looked at us. 

"Are you ready to go in?" She asked. I nodded, Taemin shook his head.

"I don't want to go in!" Taemin moaned, whilst trying to pull away. Noona kept a firm grip on his arm.

"Well, you have to!" She tugged him back. Finally Noona held open the door. Suddenly as all the eyes of the other children focused on us, my stomach turned, I felt nervous. I grabbed Taemin's hadn subconciously. Noona smiled and nudged us forward whilst she went and told the teacher the reason we were late. Taemin and I stepped forward a bit then froze, everyone was staring at us. I gulped. 

"Taemin.." I whispered. "I don't like this..." 

"Me either.." Taemin whispered back.

We looked around the room smiling, hand in hand. Noona walked over and kneeled by us. 

"I'm going now, I'll pick you up after I finish work okay? Have a nice day." She gave us both a small kiss on our foreheads. When she kissed Taemin he wrapped his hands tightly around Noona's head. I would've done the same if I wasn't frozen on the spot. 

"Noona don't go~" Taemin whailed. He kept a tight grip around her head. "Don't leave me~" A few giggles were heard around us, the teacher cast a glare at the gigglers and they soon stopped. Ilooked around whilst Taemin kept his grip on Noona's neck, everyone was a total stranger to me. I gulped again, this time scared. A boy with a swiped fringe stood up and pointed at Taemin who was now bawling with tears. 

He had cat-like eyes and a cheeky smirk. He was slightly tanned and his hair looked amazingly cute. His eyes were a dark brown and his lips a pale pink. He looked a bit girly in a way. He was laughing slightly as he pointed.

"Haha~" He cackled "That kid is crying, he's a baby! Baby~ Baby~" He chanted, soon the whole class was laughing and chanting. This made Taemin feel more embarressed and he begged Noona to stay.

"Noo~naaa~" He cried "Make them stoo~p~" He begged, his arms clenching tighter onto her neck.

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