Chapter 5 - Don't cry I'm sorry.

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I neared to the boy, crouching by the tree. His head was bobbing slightly. Probably crying. I walked over and rested my hand on his shoulder. 

"Go.. Away!" Taemin whimpered. 

"Taemin~" I begged.

"No JaeHwa! I said go! You always ignore me, I know you like those boys anyway!" Taemin yelled, anger in his eyes. I stood back, in shock. 

"Tae--" I tried to comfort him to say sorry. 

"JUST GO!" Taemin yelled and ran off. I watched him run. 

"Taemin!" I called again, wondering whether to follow. I looked around to see the boys. Great, always there at the best of times. I turned to them with my eyebrow raised.

"Now look what you've done!" Kibum imitated my voice, recalling the incident earlier. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want!" I asked grimly. Kibum just chuckled. The other boys seemed to be all focusing on something else, they had blank expressions. I looked back at Kibum.

"Oh nothing really.. Just came to see if Taemin was okay." Kibum pouted. I frowned at him.

"Why do you all of a sudden care about Taemin?" I snapped, crossing my arms. 

"Oh no reason." Kibum smirked, I felt a tug at my stomach. They were going to hurt Taemin, weren't they. I frowned as Kibum purposely pushed passed me heading towards where Taemin ran off. I looked at the rest of the gang who sighed and followed. Jjong stoped before walking passed me.

"I won't ket them hurt Taemin!" He promised before smiling then running off to catch up. I smiled, and felt my heart beat faster. How sweet was he~? I ran off at full speed towards Taemin. As I started to sprint the bell rang. There was no sight of the mushroom headed boy or the gang. I panted as I looked around, the teacher would shout if we were late. I sighed and decided to retreat, I started to jog back to the classroom. I kept an eye out for Taemin. I hope he's okay. I promised not to leave him. I wonder why he was so upset just because I wasn't listening..?

I reached the classroom, just in time, the teacher was about to take register but she let me off. I sat down and looked around, Taemin wasn't here and neither were the boys. I felt a sick feeling inside of me, what if they have done something terrible to Taemin, I would never forgive myself, I can't even believe I left him. What was I thinking. Taemin needed me, and I left him.

The teacher called out Taemin's name. No reply. My heart pounded as the teacher repeated his name before looking at me.

"Where is Taemin?" She asked curiously. I felt ashamed as I shrugged. I had broken my promise. The teacher looked worried but carried on. 

"Kibum..?" No reply, my heart tugged.

"Jonghyun?" No reply, it pumped a bit faster.

"Minho?" No reply, clenched my fists tightly.

The door swung open and in came the gang, with Taemin! I looked over shocked. 

"T-taemin?" I stuttered, he was with them, laughing and joking, actually smiling!

"Jinki?" The teacher called. The boy I had fallen onto earlier answered. So that was his name, he ran off so fast I didn't get a chance.

I smiled, Jinki, I liked it, it was as cute as his smil-- There I go again.. I face palmed my forehead, stopping my thoughts. The teacher looked at them.

"Where have you been?" She questioned.

"We were far away, sorry miss." Minho replied whilst bouncing his ball. The teacher shrugged it off. I looked at Taemin then at Kibum who seemed to be smirking at me, mocking me. I frowned. I just wanted this day to end quickly. Taemin seemed to be enjoying it with them.

"Minho, kick the ball at her!" The cat-eyed boy ordered. Minho just looked at Kibum wide-eyed, he ushered him. "Well go on!" He stomped his foot. Minho looked at me and grinned. He let the ball drop, where it landed at his feet. Here it comes. I cowered on the floor. Minho didn't move though. He just shook his head slowly, smiling slightly. Key got impatient. "I'll do it myself!" He ran foreward and used, probably, all of his strength in his kick. Of course, being a football player he was a good aimer. It smashed into my face at full speed. Kibum grabbed his stomach and fell to the floor laughing. Everyone looked wide-eyed and gasped.

The pain kicked in, more powerfull than I thought. I couldn't help but cry. This of course made Key shed tears of joy. Just as if the pain wasn't bad enough, my nose started to bleed. Taemin noticed and frowned at Kibum. He walked over pushing the taller boy as he spoke.

"You know, I thought you were cool for a moment but your just mean!" Taemin outbursted in kibum's face. He ran over to aid me, followed by Jjong. 

"Ow.." I moaned between cries of pain. The teacher ran over with tissues. After that everything went dark.

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