Chapter 7 - Better

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The door swung open and there stood Noona. She looked at us awkwardly before saying that dinner was ready. I jumped off the bed followed by Taemin. We walked downstairs. Noona wondered why we acted weird. We were really quiet. We all sat around the table. Silently. The only noise was the slight scratch of our forks, hitting the plate. 

Noona opened her mouth to speak, but closed it after a second. The atmosphere was awkward, it was hard to start a conversation. I looked at Taemin, his eyes were cast down on his plate. I knew he felt embaressed now that he had told me. But how could he like me that way. We've been friends forever, but still..

After dinner Taemin was first to jump up and put his plate in the sink, he walked out of the room without saying a word. He would usually thank Noona for dinner. Noona's eyebrow curved up, she stood, clearing her throat. She took mine and her's plates and started to clean up. I stood up and smeled before leaving. 

"Remember, lights, tv and games off at seven-thirty!" Noona reminded. I nodded and walked to the stairs. Slowly I reached the top. Taemin was in his room. I could here the tv on, I sighed, hesitating whether to go in or not. I decided not to an went straight to my room. Where I wrote in my diary.

Dear Diary, 

Today I found out that Taemin likes me. Taemin and I have been friends forever, and only now he confessed. I don't  think I feel the same way though. I mean I like him.. As a friend. Besides, I'm not too sure about this either, and it may seem crazy. But I think.. I like.. 

Taemin walked into my room. 

"JaeHwa..?" He mumbled, teary-eyed.

"Yes, Tae?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, I know you don't like me that way. I just, when I saw you with other boys, it made me want.. I just I really like you and I didn't want to see you with another boy. But, if you wanted to I don't mind because we're friends, right?" He stuttered a few times, trying not to cry. 

I walked over smiling. "Oh Taemin." I hugged him. "I do still like you, but not in that way, I think we should just be friends. Let's not risk our friendship okay?" I rubbed his back. He smiled pulling away from the hug.

"Your right Jae, I'm sorry I even said I love you. Well, I do, but more of a brother-sister-love." He grinned. "You always know how to make me feel better!" He walked back into his room. I heard the tv turn off and the springs of his bed creak as he dived on it. I smiled, that's better. I forgot all about my diary after that, I turned off my light and went to sleep. 

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