A trip down memory lane

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"Thanks for the food Squidward!" I smiled as I waved Farewell to Squidward.

"See you again soon!" He yelled back.
"It does my heart well knowing that there is at least one cultured person within these oceans!" He murmured under his breath.

"BYE SQUIDWARD! Can't wait to see you again at the Krusty Krab!" SpongeBob yelled

"Fish paste.." He snarled as he slammed his door shut.

SpongeBob then pulled out his list of friends and told me that Patrick was next. We hurried over to Patrick's sweet humble abode: his rock!

"Oh hey SpongeBob!" Patrick greeted

"Hey Patrick!" SpongeBob answered back

Patrick looked to his side and saw me standing nervously at his doorstep.

"Hey SpongeBob..who's your friend?" Patrick said confused

"Patrick..you don't remember me??" I questioned

"Hold on...wait...oh man....I didn't know that there would be a test.. I DIDN'T STUDY!" Patrick screeched.

"Patrick....this is ...(left intentionally blank)...." SpongeBob rolled his eyes at Patrick's poor memory.

"Oh yeah! I remember you're SpongeBob's girlfriend!" Patrick Remembered.

I turned red and so did SpongeBob......again.

"Well you see Pat-"

"Patrick...I'm not his um *gulp* girlfriend-"

"We're just friends-"

Both me and SpongeBob tried to deny Patrick's statement. But Patrick just gave us 'the look' and smirked.
"There,there SpongeBob, I know you don't really like her like her-" Patrick slapped SpongeBob on the back jokingly.

*blushes* "Well..I actually-" *RUMBLE*
SpongeBob twiddled his fingers before being interrupted by a large rumble..

"Hey did you guys come to give me some food or what?" Patrick said as he held out his rumbling, bulging stomach.

I giggled to Patrick's remark.
"Hehe sorry Pat...we just came to say hi but we are heading down to the Krusty Krab so you are more than welcome to grab a bite with us. Right SpongeBob?" I smiled as I look down to SpongeBob.

"Of course!" SpongeBob replied with a big smile.

"Ok let's get going guys!" I yelled!

We all walked the short distance between Patrick's rock and the Krusty Krab. The walk was slightly quiet until Patrick broke the silence when he saw a  bunch of hooks dangling from the surface..

"LOOK SPONGEBOB! THE CARNIVAL IS BACK IN TOWN !" As he ran towards the metal pointed spears of death. But before Patrick could rein-act the tuna can situation, SpongeBob grabbed him by the pants and pulled him in the direction of the Krusty Krab.

"No- we aren't doing that again!" SpongeBob scowled, looking Patrick straight in the eye as he continued his walk to the Krusty Krab. I was confused  on the whole 'we aren't doing that again' thing so I asked SpongeBob to explain the whole situation along the way.

5 Minutes Later

"So it was Squidward who took your pants with the hook.." I asked shockingly whilst not being able to hold my laughter.

SpongeBob nodded and sighed. But he lightened up as we arrived at the Krusty Krab!

"OH BOY! I can't wait to chow down on some delicious Krabby Patties!" Both Patrick and I said.

"I CANT WAIT FOR YOU GUYS TO TRY EM'! I'm going to make the best Krabby Patties EVER because it's for my bestest friends in the whole sea! Not forgetting Squidward of course!" SpongeBob announced wholeheartedly.

"Aww your the best SpongeBob!" I smiled as I reached my arms out and hugged SpongeBob.

"Your welcome!" He whispered back whilst returning the hug!

After we both pulled away from the hug we looked to see where Patrick was and saw that he was already inside the Krusty Krab.

We both hurried inside and SpongeBob looked up towards me and smirked.

"Welcome to the Krusty Krab ma'am. May I take your order?" He said as he playfully acted like a professional waiter.

I simply giggled to his little charade and replied.
"Hmm there's so much to choose from. Do you recommend anything in particular?!" I smirked as I cheekily battered my eyelashes at him.

"Well..I would recommend everything but my personal favourite is the Krabby patty supreme!" He said

"Then I'll take it good sir!" I laughed aloud.

"One Krabby patty supreme for the lovely lady" SpongeBob smiled as I smiled back at him dreamily.

"HEY SPONGEBOB! What about your best friend?! It's no good serving your girlfriend and not me. I'm malnourished because I haven't eaten anything for the last 10 minutes." Patrick complained.

"Oh sorry Pat. What will it be?" SpongeBob apologised, blushing .

"Uh..I'll go easy on myself and take 20 Krabby Patty deluxes as im trying to watch my figure." Patrick replied modestly.

"One Krabby Patty supreme and...uh..20 Krabby patty deluxes, COMING RIGHT UP!!" SpongeBob yelled out excitedly.


~ Spongebobbiggestfan

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