Chapter 12

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I hope I am pleasing you with this story. I didn't think that many people would view this story but so far over three hundred people have. Thanks! So without further ado enjoy

(Barry's POV)

I stare at iris's horrified face. She's so beautiful. I close my eyes, I'm so weak. "No barry you stay with me!" She shouts in my face. I open my eyes back up. Oliver and Wally are staring at me. Oliver's face is filled with horror. I cough which makes my body shake. "We're getting you back now!" Shouts Oliver. At some point I'm put in Wally's arms. "Don't worry man, we're going to save you." His voice shakes. He carries Iris and I back to star labs. I'm laid on a gurney and Caitlin flocks over me. "Go to sleep, save you're strength." She says. She inserts something in my neck and my limbs goi limb and I lose consciousness.

(Iris POV)

As soon as we get back, Caitlin is all over Barry with fear and worry. She pulls out a syringe. "What is that going to do?" I ask. "It's a drug I made a while ago, it'll knock him out." She replies quickly. She inserts it in his neck and his muscles relax. For a moment I'm afraid we've lost him. Caitlin checks his pulse. She sighs in relief. "Still there." She announces. "I want everyone out except Iris, Cisco, Oliver, and Felicity." She announces. Everyone else leaves. Caitlin works quickly getting materials. "What do I need to do?" I ask. "Hold his hand." She says. I sit in the chair beside him and hold his hand hard. "These cuts, they haven't healed." She looks at his arm and shoulder. "Felicity get me some A+ blood." Caitlin orders. "How much?" She asks quickly. "Three bags full." She replies. Suddenly the heart moniter goes haywire. "Defibrillator now!" She yells. I'm silently sobbing. Cisco quickly hands them to her. "Charge to 200."  She says. Cisco does it. "Clear!" Caitlin yells. Barry's body jumps off the table a little. "400!" She yells. Cisco turns it up. "Clear!" Caitlin yells again. She shocks Barry and his body jumps up. We sit listening to the heart moniters long alert to no heartbeat and suddenly his heart restarts. I run out of the room and into dad's arms, sobbing. Twenty minutes later Caitlin comes out. Her face is exhausted. "Will he be okay?" I ask. "I don't know, he has gashes on his arms and shoulders, his back has a bullet wound, his legs have bullet wounds, his femur is shattered, and his shoulder is broken." She lists. I shudder, it's so bad. I go back into the room. "Caitlin!" Oliver yells.  She runs into the room. "He's not breathing!" He says. I rush to his side and squeeze his hand. Caitlin tilts his head back and opens up his throat. She puts a tube down his throat and turns on a machine. "Now all we can do his wait for the first 5 hours." She says grimly.

(Wally's POV)

I'm sitting in the speed lab, face buried in my hands. Barry could be dead. I haven't known him that long and all the time I've been with him, he's become a brother to me. I regret ever confronting him about Iris. He's going to be a wonderful husband to my sister, if he makes it. I hear footsteps walking towards me and I look up. Dad walks towards me and sits down. "Is he okay?" I whisper. "His heart flatlined and he had to be intubated." His voice shakes. I put my arms around dad. I only hope I got him back in time

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