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Diana POV

It was the first day of school , from a long summer vacation.
I was a little nervous and excited at the same time. When my mom and I arrived on the school compound we started walking towards the school building, where we saw students liming and talking when we walked pass the students most of them was staring at us, which made me even more nervous. When we were directed to the auditorium where the orientation for new coming form 1's . We got to explore the new school , met our form teachers and our new principal. My mom and I walked into my new classroom when i walked in I didn't like the site cause there was no cute boys .
Honestly all was hideous not at least one hot guy. I took a seat next to quite looking girl named Taraja. I decided to be friendly so I said "hi" she looked at me with a bright smile on her face and said "hello" I pleasantly smiled back at her. When I was just observing my new class I saw the parents and my new form teacher Mrs Williams having a conversation , I seem a little comfortable in my class , then my mom kissed my cheek and waved me off goodbye I waved at her goodbye also

I no yu guys first part of the story seemed boring😴 but it's about to get pretty good😘

Dis part was very short but don't worry _love yuall😘

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