౹- Justin Foley

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- Justin Foley (a)

I walked towards the huge school, which looked a thousand times more intimidating than on the pictures. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, while breathing heavily. I had straightened my afro, only for this special day. I wanted it to be a new beginning.

A new beginning, in the middle of a school year.

I looked behind me, giving my parents a last wave, before pushing the doors open. It was cold outside so it wasn't a surprise that no one was in front of the school but the corridors were crowed.

Everyone was shouting, running around, minding their own business. So many things were happening at once, so many unfamiliar faces, I couldn't concentrate on any of them. I simply managed to make my way between all the bodies, going straight ahead of me. No one seemed to notice me and I would do my best for it to stay that way.

I had to leave my old school. It was the definition of hell. Popular girls and popular boys were ruling the school and i've been there since I was little. And each year is worse than the last one. I would always end up getting hate by the girls  for no reason. All the boys would make fun of me. It had to stop.

I needed to find the office but I was too shy to ask anyone. I looked towards the side, seeing a blue-eyed Boy with scars on his forehead and on his cheeks. His hair was Brown and he was wearing a gray shirt. He was the only Guy that wasn't talking to someone else, I had no choice but to ask him.

"Hi ?"

He snapped his head towards me, gazing at me, confused, "Hey" He answered. His voice was very low.

"I'm new here, I was wondering where the office was ?"

"Uh..just take a right, walk a bit and You'll find it." he answered, sighing.

"Thank you. Oh, my name is Desiray, by the way." I smiled, looking away.

He tried to smile a bit, "Uh..oh. Welcome here, I guess. My name is Clay."

I nodded, smiling awkwardly again. I played nervously with my hair, waved him good-bye and started walking towards the office.

Soon enough, I arrived, the principal gave me my shedule promising me that he would have some students showing me around later on. I was now wandering alone in the corridors. Trying to find my science class.

I gazed at all the 'anti-bullying' posters and it made me feel immediatly better. It had to be different than my old school. 

I reported my attention to the door opening. A very handsome Boy entered, looking down but walking fastly. He was wearing a basketball jacket, I believe, and he seemed beyond perfect. I locked gaze with him for a second but he didn't seem to care. Not a smile, not a wave.

But it was my only opportunity to get in class, so I yelled, "Hey ! Sorry!"

He kept on walking and took a left. I ran behind him, "Hey ! Please !"

He turned to me and my eyes were honestly blessed. His perfect light Brown hair was slicked back and the structure of his face seemed too perfect. But his eyes were red. He had cried and I felt immedialty Guilty for bothering him, "Hm ?" he asked.

"Sorry, i'm new and would you happen to know where the room 106 is ?" I looked away.

For a second, it seemed like he was about to answer 'Do I look like a fucking map ?' but he seemed to realize something, "Oh. That's my class. I'm going There right now."

I followed him, trying to keep up with him, because he was going way too quickly. We finally arrived and I stepped inside of the classroom.

"Hi, you must be Desiray" smiled the young teacher. Her hair was black, exactly like her outfit and she was wearing round silver glasses.

"Yes, ma'am."

After exchanging a few words and trying to ignore All the eyes that were plastered on me, I tried to find a seat. I smiled as I realized Clay was sitting alone. I walked towards him.

"Hey Clay !" I whispered, in a bright tone.

Clay looked surprised, once again, "Hey"


"So..." he repeated and I chuckled.

"So..Umm..Would you like to show me around later ? This school is so huge" I speak up, trying to make conversation.

"Uh..There is not much to Know. All the boys that are wearing the Blue jacket are what we call the jocks. They rule the school, their brains are 60% cotton and 40% plastic. Oh, they mostly see women as sexual objects. I guess that's the only thing that's important here..If you don't have a Dick with a perfect body, your life doesn't really matter here" he whispered back in a mad tone. Clay looked really angry, his jawline clenched.

I was confused, even shocked, "Wh-"

His eyes quickly switched from a mad glare to some sympathy and pity, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that... I'm not trying to scare you, it's just that my life's been a mess.."

My heart was beating at a fast pace, he Did manage to scare me. Was it that bad ? I guess he just wasn't in the mood for small talk. But what could be happening in his life that could get him so angry ?

"Are they all jerks ?" I questionned, glancing at the jocks.

"Yeah. Well, I guess Zach, the tall one with the black hair is okay," he shruged.

"Hm..What about the one with the blue-grayish eyes ? That entered with me.." I said.

"uh, Justin ?" Clay's eyes darkened, "this Boy is trouble, I can guarantee you that. Please, don't end up falling in his arms...He looks great but Desiray...just trust me when I tell you that he's not a good person."

"What ? Why ?"

"He's just bad, I assure you."

"H-how would you Know ? You've been saying pessimist things since the beginning of the hour !" I replied, refusing to believe him. I barely knew him.

"Listen..I-I don't want you to suffer. I don't want bad things to happen to you. That's why i'm telling you all of this...But sorry.." Clay started playing with his hands, looking down.

I nodded.

Time passed and quickly, it was the end of the day. I arrived home three hours ago and i'm about to go for a walk right now. I don't want to be back home when it's dark.

Today was honestly great. I ate lunch with Clay and found out that he wasn't as pessimist as he made it seem. He's actually a hilarious person. I  also met a girl named Cheri during my second period.

I put on a huge black coat, walking through the door, and listenning to some chilling music. For once, I wasn't walking with any problems on my mind. For once, I didn't want to cry after a long Day of school.

I ended up walking for longer than usually, taking a path that I took when I was just a child.

It was starting to get dark, so I walked faster. I am taken-aback as I hear loud, long snores. I put my music on pause and followed the snores with my eyes. Someone that seemed way too familiar was sleeping by a tree.

My breathing hitched as I realized it was Justin. A trembling Justin. It was the baby-blue-eyed jock, sleeping by a tree, with three bags underneath him.


Here we go ! I hope you enjoyed this first part.

I'll fit this short story in 6 chapters 💓 Well at least I'll try to !


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