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"Darling wake up, you need to get ready" I groaned opening my eyes.

"What time is it?" I sat up and stretched.

"Its nine, dear we have an hour and a half to get ready and head to Kings Cross" I nodded, yawning as Perry left my room.

I got up and headed to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. Dressing in a pair of black cigarette pants, a blush colored blouse and black flats. I brushed my hair and only applied a coat of red lipstick and a layer of mascara deciding on keeping it bold but simple. I looked down and frowned i had to hide my my markings, I didn't want anyone asking questions. Bringing my wrists up to my lips I whispered abscondam and watched as both tattoos disappeared. Slipping on both family rings Nick and Perry gave me on my hands (Flamel on the left hand and Ravenclaw on my right middle finger) I left my room and walked down the hall to where Nick and Perry where waiting eating bacon, beans and a fried egg on toast. 

After breakfast Nick handed me a blue pouch filled with money, "This should be enough to last you through christmas is you need anymore let us know and we will send you more, ok?"I nodded placing the pouch inside my school bag slipping my wand in as well and swung it over my shoulder. At exactly ten thirty we left the flat and took a car to Kings Cross station. With ten minutes to spare I carried Talons cage as Nick dragged my trunk through the busy train station. "Ok, all we have to do now to get onto the platform is run through the wall in between nine and ten, grab my hand darling" I reached over and intwined my hand with Perry's as she began to jog to the wall, I closed my eyes as we crossed only to open them to see a magnificent red train and a platform filled with parents and students. I took a deep breath, over the last few months I had become very attached and dependent of both Nick and Perry and although I had to leave I really didn't want to. They where my parents now.

"Nervous?" I nodded pushing back the tears that tried to come out. Perry hugged me tightly smoothing down my hair. "You'll be alright, you're beautiful, smart and very powerful, don't forget that. Be strong darling"

"I'll miss you both terribly" I sighed letting a single tear escape, Nick brushed it away with his thumb and kissed my forehead.

"You can write to us as many time as you want and you'll see us at Christmas" I nodded

"Jamie!" I turned to see Minnie waving at me from inside the train. "I saved you a seat!"

"You better go, the train is leaving soon" I got one last hug from both of them before they helped me bring my trunk and Talons cage on the train. I rushed to Minnie's compartment and dropped both my trunk and Talon on the floor before reopening the window and sticking my hands out to grab Nick and Perry.

"Be safe my darling"

"Bye mum, bye dad, I promise I'll write the second I get a chance"

"Have fun, and don't stress, you're aloud to enjoy life as well, don't forget that" I nodded squeezing their hands on last time as the train horn sounded and we began pulling away from the station. With Minnie's help I put my trunk in the shelf space above my seat and settled Talon down next to me.

"Your parents are very good looking" I laughed at her bluntness.

"How was your summer Minnie?"

"Boring, there's nothing to do at my house and no one to talk to besides my mother" She rolled her eyes. "I spent most of my time flying and practicing my chaser skills, do you play quidditch? Most girls don't"

"I do, dad says I'm an excellent beater, I have a wicked arm"

"Beater? You might just be the first girl to become beater on any of the house teams ever! What house do you think you'll get into?"

The Time Guardian: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now