The Game Begins

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It's the first day of seventh grade and i've already made an idiot of myself. I couldn't open my locker until the bell rang, making me late to my first period. When i got to that class, the only chair left was in the front row right in front of my teacher. I quickly sat down and looked at my desk. When roll came my teacher went down the list, when he got to my name he went, "Nicole....." He shivered, very visibly. "Who is related to Sage Ryder?" I slowly raise my hand and Mr. Frankford shakes his head, continuing roll.

I continued through my day, second block English to P.E then to Science. I've loved Science since i was in fourth grade, even though i was learning it in Spanish. This is my first year of Science being taught in English. I stopped by my locker before class to drop some books off, it was still being stubborn. I opened it with the help of the boy who had his locker next to me, his name was Chris. He was in all my classes and had his locker next to me. He left before i finished, when i was done I got up and went to my fifth block.

In my school you have fifth block, the longest class of the day for lunch. At least it was a class I liked. I walked into class, there were assigned seats. I got to my seat, the person sitting next to me was wearing all black with his head on the desk.

"Hi, i'm Nicole."

He looked up at me, his black hair covered his eyes but you could see the angry glare coming from his eyes. I felt a string feeling of fear sent through me, i knew the glare, i gave it to others but his wanted me gone. He put his head back down without a word. When we came back from lunch I tried again, "Hey Dylan." He glared, his eyes even looked black, and sat down. The fear was stronger that time, he held the glare longer. He sat quietly next to me the rest of class, Every once in a while i thought i could feel his cold stare burning into me, but i wasn't going to turn to look. When the bell rang he didn't move quickly, at a slow pace like he didn't care. I packed my stuff and turned to him with a smile on my face, "Have a nice day Dylan, I'll see you tomorrow." Then i got up and left, he made a sound like a sigh as i left class.

I went to the rest of my classes, Art and Technology.  After the bell rang to go home, i saw Dylan coming from band. To say i was tempted to see his reaction if he saw me is an understatement. I played nice though and i just walked behind him so i could get out of school. When i walked by him, i got his infamous death glare. I smiled even though the fear shot my like a bullet, he didn't hold the glare for long. We walked separate ways to leave, when i watched him leave i made a choice, that i wasn't going to let him get to me. It's time for the games to begin.

For the whole month of September I came into Science, said hello to Dylan and was greeted with a glare that sent such fear through me i wanted to turn around a leave. But i wasn't going to let him get to me, so i kept a sweet smile on my face that disgusted him. Anything about me being nice to him clearly disgusted him, he never returned the niceness, he either glared or groaned. What bothered me about Dylan wasn't that he was openly mean to me, but that when it was hot in September he came to school in all black and longs sleeves. One day it was 80 degrees outside, but he still came in with long pants and long sleeves. I was worried at some points because he would sweat but never roll up his sleeves or wear short sleeves at the least. He had to have P.E so he would have a short sleeve shirt but it's none of my business. He hated me, and i wasn't sure of him. Everyday was the same, he was here before me and i sat down then he promptly moved his chair further away from me. I'd say hi and try to talk, he'd give me death glares. I tried for all of September, but got no where.

It's October, my favorite month, the leaves start changing and Halloween comes around. One day when it was cold I beat Dylan to class when he walked in he was wearing his normal outfit, all black with long sleeves.

"Hey Dylan."

He nodded his head and sat down. Did he just acknowledge me?

"Cold enough for you?"

He groaned and put his head down. There's the Dylan I know.....

I hate cold, but it was an honest question. i wanted to make sure he wasn't dying under all those layers. I was freezing so maybe he was at least comfortable, Why do i even care? He hates me, i'm not going to get attached, this is to prove a point that he can't scare me away.

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