No Time

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The year has gone by quickly, it's almost the end of the school year. May is such a nice time in Virginia, it's warm but not hot, all the flowers are out, and it brightens my spirts. I've made some new friends from seeing Dylan at lunch, but that's the only time I see him. Not that i've tried to find him or see him outside of school, but i used to see him everyday, it's different.

"Hey Nick." Nick is one of Dylan's friends, i met him about five months ago. He's a big guy, the kind of guy that if you didn't know you wouldn't talk to much.

"Hey Sara, looking for Dylan?"

"Yeah, have you seen him?"

"He's in the lunch line."

"Ok, i'll come back then."

I walked to my table and ate my lunch. I sat with a group of girls that were from different classes I had through out the day. Most were from my peer helping class that i had 5th block, but it was just company not really friends. When i finished my lunch i went back to Dylan's table, he was sitting facing away from me. So when i came i covered his eyes and stood behind him.

"Get off me!" he ordered.

"That's a rude way to say hello. That's fine i can leave, bye guys." Dylan grabbed my arm.

"Sorry, i didn't know who it was. I thought it was Lieghia."

"Ouch, now i'm insulted." I said jokingly.

"I'm sorry..." He looked down at his food, away from me.

"Hey, i was joking." I hugged him from behind.

"good, because i didn't mean to insult you."

"I know." I looked at Nick, he was mouthing something.

I tilted my head to hint to him i didn't understand what he was saying. He again mouthed what looked like, likes you. I gave him my best confused look and started trying to sign to him. I pointed to Dylan, he nodded. Thinking of a way to sign like wasn't easy, so i went with a heart. Nick gave me the so-so hand sign. I pointed to me and he nodded and gave me a thumps up to tell me I figured it out.

Dylan likes me, that's something I didn't expect.

Was I surprised to learn the Dylan liked me? Oh yeah! I’m not one of the most attractive girls in my opinion. I have really long brown hair that goes half way down my torso, braces- that right now are blue-, glasses and I wear baggy clothes. No one’s ever liked me before, and I don’t blame them, they have no reason to. I can be blunt which comes off as rude or mean. My personality is easily changed depending on who I’m with. There’s a certain way I act with everyone so I can get along with them. I don’t mind except sometimes it feels like I’m living multiple lives or have multiple personalities. When I like a guy I change myself so the guy has a better chance of liking me, but with Dylan I hadn’t done that. Surprise turned into a relief, to know I didn’t have to change myself to make others happy because someone would like me for me. I simply nodded to Nick and hugged Dylan good bye. I didn’t want to talk to him about it with all his friends around, even I would be embarrassed feeling five other people staring at us while we talked. Why put him or I through that torture? I sat back down at my table, only to feel a touch on my shoulder a few minutes before the bell rang.

“Hey Nikki, can I ask you something?” Dylan asked.

“Yeah sure, what’s up?”

“Would you maybe, want to go out sometime?”

I sat there in shock, all the girls at my table waiting for my answer. I could feel the heat rush to my face as I started to blush.

“Ummmm…...” I stuttered.

“Yeah, I get it, I’m sorry.” Dylan turned around to walk away and I grabbed his arm.

“You need to let me finish a sentence,” I said, knowing I didn’t even start a sentence. “I was going to say sure.”

His face light up like I made his whole week, no one could give him better news. The bell rang and Dylan gave me a tight hug, I couldn’t breathe.

I was happy too, maybe not on the outside but on the inside. First boyfriend, someone special to me, that’s a major accomplishment for me. Although what I neglected to remember is that it’s May and during the last two months of school I travel to New Jersey almost every weekend. Which meant no time to go out with Dylan; this isn’t going to go well....

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