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The dimensions had changed, their air thinning out, making it easier to breathe and maneuver through. My air was thick and hot though, and constantly suffocating. I was reborn into my own personal hell each and every time my consciousness came to. Then she was born.
It was the first time I had been summoned to the surface; a gathering had been thrown in Olympus to honor the new born child: the goddess of harvest and fertility. She was special, born from the life-force of an original god and a pureblood goddess: Zeus and Demeter.
I had a distinct hate for the brigade of gods that Mount Olympus centered itself around. Even brother Poseidon fled far out to the seas in efforts to banish himself from such presence. And, in that way, I was comforted by my curse. By the broken bargain that my brothers bestowed upon me. Zeus and Poseidon, born from the Titans that resided in this realm eons ago. In a way we were brothers, all born to rule in our ancestors places over the human realm. But, things grew grim rather quick, and as the oldest of my brethren, I led a battalion against the Titans, and along side me came the two of them. The three of us sought and conquered the dimensions, and in that very moment of defeat, I watched Zeus, the youngest of us three, take victory into the palm of his hands, and his golden eyes gleamed up at the two of us in nefarious satisfaction, and the poisonous words that trickled out across his lips would doom me forever into eternal damnation. I would get the foul end of the bargain, forced to serve as King of the Underworld. It sounded majestic and grand, I was finally a King, but it was no blessing, no, I would be banned from the living in order to sort out the dead, to be the guide between what is known as heaven and when subsides as hell.
This was my eternity, and ever once in a while I surfaced to catch a glimpse of life up above. The worried eyes of the gods and their acquaintances pierced me as I made my way to a golden cradle, placed brilliantly in a ray of sunshine in the center of a grand, dome shaped room. Flowers already began blooming from and around the cradle; the child had an immense power. My eyes thirsted to lay upon the child, in part to confirm that this child would be another creation of ignorance. But there was something else, and when I laid eyes upon it, I fell.
They were green, like fresh grass in the gardens of Demeter. They glowed like Zeus' but they did not hold any hint of selfishness; any hint of hate was abandoned upon arrival. This child was pure, beautiful, and inspiring.
"Persephone." Demeter smiled grimly at me and she leaned into Zeus for comfort. Poseidon was there too, staring just as intently at the child as I. We knew there had been an awakening in the air, a freshness that would hopefully last for eternity.
"Persephone." I repeated. Then I smiled. Such an ironic name for the goddess of life, a name which roughly means "to destroy".
In an instance, my senses came to life. My skin experienced a sweet chill that irked in the narrow of my bones, and I fell. I fell. Where, and into what, I had not known. But there was one thing I left with, back into the gates of the Underworld, and that was desire.
The girl would be mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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