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Tasha's pov
Ugh I dreaded getting up and packing, we were moving. I didn't want to go but I had no choice. As my phone alarm blared loudly I grabbed it off the charger and turned it off. I rubbed my eyes and went into my bathroom. I had to potty really bad and afterwards I washed my face. I was going to brush my teeth after I ate breakfast. I threw on my spandex shorts and a tank top and headed downstairs. I almost fell because I forgot my glasses, I needed them I was nearly blind lol. I put my glasses on and threw my hair in a messy bun. My phone began to ring and it was a FaceTime call from my boyfriend Marquise.
M: Hey baby you looking good
T: Thank you (blushes hard)
M: I'm gon miss you when you gone but you still mine no matter where you move
T: I know and I'm going to miss you too. Why can't I come live with you?
M: Uhmm...... cause I don't want you around what I do
T: Whatever Marquise Muhammad Johnson I'll talk to you later *hangs up***
This nigga always fucking lying with his no good ass. I don't see why I even stayed with him. I guess cause of what he could do for me. Our relationship was all good at first but when he became a drug lord he changed. I was happy to be moving though, cause his ass thought he could run me. I decided to take a picture and post it on instagram before heading back downstairs. I ran downstairs again cause a bitch was hungry. My mom was just finishing up breakfast and the dishes she was washing. "Good morning baby how did you sleep", she asked. "I slept good just ready to get this day over with", I replied. "How's Marquise baby", she asked. "He's a asshole, a jerk, a good for nothing bit-", I mumbled. "Oh he's good ma I guess", I said loudly. Thank God I held my tongue before I cursed. She would have beaten the Holy Ghost into me if she heard what I said. My mom liked Marquise and I couldn't stand it, if only she knows. She would be pissed at me though cause he's a drug dealer. My mom didn't want me to associate myself around people like that. That's how my oldest brother died. I sure do miss him a lot, now it's just me. I never got myself into Marquise's messes though. I let him handle everything for himself though he was a big boy. I'd be damned if he put me in harms way. I never went with him to the trap houses or meetings. I wasn't stupid at all, I still had my whole life ahead of me. As soon as my mother finished up breakfast I made my plate. I had 6 pieces of bacon, 2 chocolate chip pancakes, and some cheesy eggs and grits. I washed my food down with some homemade lemonade. After I ate I went into my room and brushed my teeth. I'm glad I don't have that much to finish up packing since we been already packing this whole week. The movers were going to be here in a hour to load our stuff. Than after that we were headed outta Utah to Atlanta, Georgia. My friend said they visited Atlanta for spring break and she loved it. Utah was too cold for my ass anyway. It was like everyday is winter here smh. I think this drive might take a day and a half. Glad my mom was stopping at hotels if she got tired. I couldn't drive because I didn't have my permit yet. I knew how to drive but my mama wanted to me have that stupid thing. I was going to get it when I get to Atlanta though. I feel as though I have a car coming my way for my 18th birthday. My mom could be full of surprises sometimes. Just like this move was a surprise to me. My mom gotta better job offer and she said she couldn't turn it down. It had been the job she been waiting on so she took it. Well if she's happy than I'm happy. I was done packing and now relaxing on a chair my mom left out for us to sit in. I couldn't watch tv cause it was back in the box. I couldn't lay down cause the movers were going to be here soon. I was exhausted as hell and just drifted off sitting in the folding chair. A few minutes later I felt someone shaking me, it was just my mom. I'm guessing the movers were here cause half the damn house was already empty. She made me double check every room upstairs and I didn't leave anything behind. We walked out the empty house and got in her all white BMW. She backed out the drive way and we were headed towards our new lives.

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