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tyler nervously stuttered. his palms were sweaty and his heart started speeding up.


the brown haired boy hummed, keeping his gaze at the stars littering the sky. his eyes traced lines, connecting from one star to another. he loved when tyler brought him there, it was so comforting for the anxiety-filled boy.

and while josh was at ease, tyler was a wreck.

his first mistake was taking a glance in josh's direction, because soon enough he couldn't take his eyes away. the moonlight in the sky gave josh a glow that was so beautiful, the stars seemed like nothing.

there was a lump in his throat but he attempts to ask anyways.

"h-how do you know when you love someone?"

his sentence released from his lips but that wasn't the sentence that's been stuck in his throat for the longest.

"i dunno," he started,

"you know you love someone when they tug at your heart. they tug until it's in their hands, and when it is, the feeling is innocent. no sign of heartbreak, just pure warmth."

josh smiled, his eyes still gazing afar, leaving tyler completely starstruck. he directed his attention back at tyler, giggling like a child at his conflicting look.

"ya' look silly, ty" his eyes crinkling at the corners.

the taller of the two smiled fondly at josh. tylers nerves eased up at josh's dulcet voice and heavenly giggle. but the lump in his throat remained stuck.

3 words that just aren't easy to say when you actually mean it.

"why'd ya ask?" josh questioned, tilting his head like a kitten.


he paused, afraid that if those words slipped it would ruin the world, or more so- ruin his world.

josh seemed to notice the internal battle tyler was having, his eyes lacing with concern,

"you can tell me anything, ya know?" josh let go of the grass beneath them and placed a comforting hand over tylers.

and the touch was enough for the lump in tylers throat to crawl it's way up.

tyler took josh's hand in his and shifted to face the pretty boy. his face heating up a bit while josh's wide, mocha eyes stared up at him. truly ethereal, he thought.

"joshua dun," he paused again, this time being longer.

"tyler joseph," josh smiled wide, mimicking tyler.

"joshua dun," he repeated,

"I love you."

and there it was.

the tightness in his throat had eased down, and the 3 words he's been dying to say rolled of his tongue so easily, it couldn't be anymore genuine.

josh stared at him, his doe-eyes being too much for tyler to take in. the silence seemed everlasting.

"i l-love you too, ty..." josh mumbled.

josh looked down and their intertwined hands, a blush quickly adorning his face out of embarrassment.

tyler's smile couldn't get any bigger as he awed at the shyness josh was radiating. his free hand went up, tilting josh's head up to face each other. tylers calloused hand cupped josh's cheeks, the pads of his thumb grazing the freckles that littered his nose and cheeks. this was tylers favorite constellation, the one his little crush carried.

"ty..." josh whispered, barely audible.

tyler hummed in response, eyes trailing down to josh's cotton candy lips. he unnoticeably inched forward, craving for a taste.

as his lips ghosted over josh's, he whispered in the same hushed voice josh did.

"may i?"

"please," josh airily said, his eyes fluttering closed.

tyler closed the gap, automatically loving the feeling. josh let go of tylers hand and rested both his fragile hands on the olders' shoulder, gripping his t-shirt tightly.

their lips moved in sync, just a simple innocent kiss was all tyler needed in that moment. josh's cotton candy lips practically melted on tylers tongue when it slid over his bottom lip- begging for an entrance.

josh granted him permission and the brunette was quick to explore the smaller boy's mouth. he pulled josh closer. not out of lust or greed. his only intentions being pure and innocent, just needing josh by his side- needing him closer.

josh was the first to pull away for air. he panted lightly, resting his head on tylers shoulder.

"do you really?" josh asked, as tyler ran a hand over josh's waist, hugging him

"i really love you joshua dun,

i really do."

and that's how their love together started.

tylers little love.


i hope this makes a good teaser,
i'll get better hopefully.
- k

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