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category: fluff


the front door opened and a closed with a loud thud.


josh screamed, his delicate voice cracking at the ending of his name.

tyler opened his arms wide upon hearing his little love pattering down the hallway. josh instantly jumped into his arms, embracing tylers waist and snuggling his head in his chest. tyler laughed, a painfully wide smile smearing over his features.

" i missed you! "

"and i missed you too, darling." tyler kissed the fluff on josh's hair. he ducked his head low to bathe in the feeling of josh's warmth and fruity scent. he really did miss it, even if he was only gone for three days, it felt far too long.

"how's my love doing?" tyler asked when they parted, his hands still resting on the youngers' hips.

"amazing now that you're here," he beamed. tyler laughed again, giving a nose kiss to josh's freckled nose. "and how are you, bear?" josh scrunched his nose from the feeling of tylers soft, pouty lips. the brunette's heart clenched at the petname, prominent dimples now showing.

"i'm absolutely happy." tyler assured, watching josh nod softly before yawning. the small boy plopped on the couch, resting his head on the armrest looking up at his boyfriend expectantly. tyler softly scoffed at his little one's demanding gaze for him to come, but rushed over nonetheless.

he situated himself in the middle, lifting josh's legs and resting them over his lap. his calloused hands ran over josh's thigh comfortingly, massaging the pudge trapped underneath leggings. oh how he's missed the feeling of his lover.

tyler had recently been spending more time at work due to the constant money crazed people attempting to invest in his families company. the place has been so busy they have him going to meetings in different states, which baffled tyler considering they want the deals, not him. so it should only be fitting if they came to him. it only lead to tyler just firing people because they kept setting him up with meetings that he didn't agree to. all in all, tyler despised going on business trips that caused him to be away from his honeysuckle honeybee.

a pink hue dusted josh's cheeks upon noticing tylers adoring gaze. "whatcha thinking about?" josh hummed, grabbing the sun-kissed mans wrist to intertwine their hands; tylers free one still massaging josh's legs.

"just business stuff. had to get my entire staff and start letting go of people today; i even had one person cry in my office and then they accidentally knocked over the picture i have of you on my desk so i ended up firing them then and there."

"tyler! you can't just fire them because of that. that's their entire job!" josh scolded, a look of disbelief yet amusement danced in his eyes. tyler shrugged.

"not anymore," he said nonchalantly, giving a squeeze to joshs inner thigh. "plus it was disrespectful to both me and my love. i won't tolerate it."

"you're ridiculous." josh sighed, sitting back comfortably. peaceful silence stretched between the two. tyler had closed his eyes for a bit; his one and only love engraved in his mind. he fluttered them open, shifting his affectionate stare back to josh. his eyes were closed too, softly breathing. the boy seemed so peaceful you could mistaken him to be sleeping.

when josh felt eyes boring into him his own slowly opened taking a peek at the person responsible. "whatcha thinkin' about now?" he asked, voice sounding sleepy.

" about you, as always. " tyler cooed making josh giggle.

"you're such a softy sometimes, pookie." the freckled boy hummed. his droopy eyes held a fond gaze with tylers equally tired ones.

the brunette brought joshs hand to his lips and kissed each of his knuckles, lingering on the last one only to mumble out a finishing response.

" only for you, as always, darling. "


i found this in my drafts wondering why i never published it???

also i'm in the hospital trying my best to get a good wifi signal with a broken arm in the middle of the night. dedication at its finest.

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