Ch. 1 || Summer Ending

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 "I have your back. I didn't mean only when it's easy. All the time."

- Veronica Roth, Divergent

I awoke to humming, not necessarily a bad way to wake up, but definitely not my usual.

My typical morning would be my bear of brother waking me up, normally by jumping on me. And I do mean bear, ever since Teddy (Theodore was his full name not that anyone ever calls him that besides our parents) hit his growth spurt in middle school, he soon gained the nickname of Bear. However despite his large stature his personality is more in common with a puppy, which is why most generally call him Teddy, like Teddy Bear.

The humming soon changed to singing, the soft female voice was soothing. It had almost lulled me to sleep, until it stopped, "So how are you feeling?"

I rolled over, toward the voice. My eyes fell on the owner of the bed I was currently lying in.

Opal Cadence was what most would describe the stereotypical cheerleader: blonde, hazel eyes, and petite. Even her room corresponded with the cliché concept. Her room looked like something you'd find on Tumblr. Fairy lights, strung all around, although since it was day time they were turned off, the soft cream colors; pink, white and gold, and pictures on the walls of friends, and scenery. However Opal wasn't just a cheerleader, she was a musician. And I'm not just saying she's a good one, because I'm her friend. No, she's a damn good one. Which is why her and Josie, have been competing against each other in almost every talent show since grade school.

"I'm okay." I gave her a fake smile.

She snorted very un-lady like, something my aunt would have sneered at if she had heard. "Don't bullshit me. I've known you too long for you to try to sugar coat things around me."

"Okay, I'm as fine as I can be, I cousin...just...died."

Opal stayed quiet, watching me from her window seat. She crossed her legs, then took a breath, "Yeah, but you haven't spoken about him. Everyone has a way of coping with loss, but this whole depressed state, isolating yourself, not going home. You're avoiding, your parents. Your aunt is even worried, she called my mother, which we both is a big deal."

I let out a quiet chuckle, my parents' worry must be bad if my aunt's involved, especially for her to call a woman she hates almost as much as Alice Cooper. I bit my lip as my vision slowly got more blurry, "Jason was amazing... I miss him. He was everything I wish I could be like...he never believed anything was impossible.. I can't believe, t-that he's no longer here, it doesn't quite feel real." I looked back toward Opal, her face remained neutral, but I could see it in her eyes the sympathy. 

I looked up to keep more tears at bay, but I could feel them at the corners of my vision. "He was my favorite cousin, obviously I can't say that around Cheryl, she'd get her feelings hurt..." I smiled softly, Opal moved from her window seat to on the bed by my feet. "Jason, would know all the right things to say. He's the one who told me Archie was pathetic and didn't deserve me. Jason was there when..." I tried to cover my mouth to prevent the sobs that wrecked through my body from coming out, but they wouldn't stop.

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