shitty medicine

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I suppose from today you can officially call me a 'slut'

I mean, I know there's a difference between a whore who opens her legs at any given chance and a dancer who may go a little over the top provocative when she sees an attractive guy and dresses a bit out there, but the rest of the student body are bound to think I am one from the minute I walk through those doors, so what's the harm in living up to the expectation?

'Lou, if you don't get your arse down these stairs in 10 minutes I am going drag you down myself!'

Ah, my wonderful maid, ever the sweet talker.

Muttering, I roll onto my side and grab my iPhone to check the time. 8:30.


I sprint to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face and quickly brushing my teeth, breakfast will have to sacrifice. I pull some light wash denim jeans and a white cropped tee out of my wardrobe, pairing it with a chunky necklace and some red heels. Putting on some light make up and tying my naturally straight hair into a half-up half-down do, I grab my bag and head downstairs.

'Louise Natalie Miller, how many times have I called you down this morning?' my maid seethed. '5 times. 5 bloody times! Your mother is going to kill me!'

'Sorry Annie, I only heard you the once. Im going to head to school and I have dance practice afterwards so I'll be back for 7, can I have my dinner then?' I smile sweetly, knowing she's an absolute sucker for my angelic smile.

Ha, dream on.

'Fine,' she huffs, 'have a good day!'

'Will do, love you!' I shout, grabbing an apple and heading towards the elevator door, applying my lipstick as the doors finally shut.

'You too sweetie!'

Annie's been my maid since I was seven, and because my parents are too interested in making shit loads of money and having an 'ever expanding business'-quote my Dad-I only see them about 4 times a year, meaning that Annie is basically my only family. She's only 25, 8 years older than me, and she manages to be way ahead in maturity, which doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Rummaging in my bag for my keys I head towards my white Audi TT. This is probably the only perk of having practically non-existent parents. They constantly feel guilty so they always send me presents from wherever in the world they are, resulting in me having tonnes of shit I don't even need. *cue smirk and cocky hair flick*.

I slide into the driver's seat, starting the ignition and putting my foot onto the accelerator. I have 5 minutes to get to Lily's house, before either she or worse, her mum, flips a shit. Luckily, the traffics moving pretty fast and I make it in just over 4 minutes, sounding the horn and ringing her phone just so I don't have to get out of the car. Come on, don't pretend you don't do it to!

'Morning babes, you look like crap,' she chuckles, sliding into the passenger seat and sorting out her windswept hair, which still looks incredible.

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