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                               Chapter 2-                 Girls Night In.

School was shit, as per usual.

But, thank God it's over, because on tradition, the first night of term is a Girls Night In for Lil and I, so we pig out on chocolate and watch shit loads of movies to prepare ourselves for the year ahead.

Sounds crap doesn't it?

It usually is.

However, tonight we have a hell of a lot to talk about and an ingenious plan to come up with, so I make my way over to Lils armed with 4 galaxy cookie crumble bars, some marshmallows and some hot chocolate, along with bad neighbours, mean girls and devil wears prada.

Using my key to enter her house, I greeted her mum with a hug and a kiss and walked into the living room, where Lil had already made a bed out of duvets and pillows on the floor, surrounded by chocolate and dvds. Utter perfection.

'Alright pal' she greeted, moving over on the pillows and letting me lay down next her, 'ive got mean girls in already, but we have shit to sort out first so we can finally get him back.'

'Sure, so basically are we going the slutty route, or the hard to get, coy route?' I asked.

'im going hard to get, drags it out more and we hurt him more in the long run doesn't it?' she winked, cracking open the galaxy bar and chomping half the bar in 30 seconds flat.

Bloody typical.

'Fine it's on. Do you have his number?  I have an idea'

'Sure, my phones on the side' she said, 'but tell me the idea first.'

'Okay so, if I text him now asking him to come meet me at the end of your street, I can pretend I'm interested so we have a head start before school tomorrow?'

'Sounds beaut, get on it girl' she laughed, throwing her phone to me and watching as I type the text.

My iPhone beeps almost immediately, signalling a reply.

Louise Miller

Hey babe, it's Lou. You free in 5 to meet me at the end of Convamore? Need to talk to you xxx

Charlie Smith

Sure sweet cheeks anything for you, be there in 5 xxxxxxx

Excuse me whilst I go vomit.

'Lil I'll be back in literally 10 minutes, you can start the film if you want!  I said, getting my key and coat.

'I'll wait, just hurry babe!'

I sprint out the door,  not giving a shit what I looked like because Smith's not worth trying for.

I reach the end of the road in 4 minutes, and sit on the pavement to wait for Charlie. Luckily, it's summer, so it's still light at 9pm, meaning I don't have to sit in darkness.

'Hello gorgeous' sounds a deep, velvety voice from behind me.

I resist the urge to fill the drain with puke.

'Hi Charlie, I haven't got long because I'm staying over at Lil's, but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about today and you do still have a chance with me, if you want it that is' I raise an eyebrow, trying to remain coy yet suggestive at the same time.

'Of course baby, I mean look at you, I wouldn't miss this chance for the world.' he whispers huskily.


'Okay babe, well I better be going, but I'll see you tomorrow yeah?' I smile sweetly, hoping and praying to the whole of the biblical and mythical creatures that he wouldn't advance on me and go in for a kiss.

'Sure' he says, and the space between us seems to decrease quite rapidly, resulting in my palms going sweaty and my breathing to become uneven and ragged.

Jesus Miller, you don't even like him, pull yourself together for God's sake.

Breathing deeply, I turn my head to the side and go for an awkward hug rather than the kiss im 100% sure he originally intended.

'Night Smith' I manage to utter out.

What the fuck is going on, he shouldn't have this kind of effect on me.

'Night Miller' he breathes, walking away from me back to his best friends house. Just as I was about to turn around, I catch sight of the best friend of his that I'm yet to meet, and you know when your eyes meet with a someone elses and your heart does 1000000 somersaults and your stomach gets butterflies?

Mine did that, and as I walked back to Lil's house, I vowed to myself that I would get to know this new boy if it was the last thing I do.


Hello my beautiful people.

So I was encouraged to write a second chapter and I wrote it on my ipad so its probably got spelling mistakes and errors in but try to look past them!

Sorry it's so short, I have exams coming up and they prioritise unfortunately;)

Anyway, ciao:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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