The Forbidden Love (A7X Student/Teacher)

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We go back to school today, and I was not pleased with that. I was always teased at school. It was only becaue I wore dark clothing and band-tees. So i was different..I don't really see the big deal.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I took a shower last night because I hate trying to shove it in to the time it takes to do my hair. I have thick wavy brown hair and deep brown eyes, both I ovbiously inherited from my father, seein how my mother has thin, naturally straight blonde hair and green eyes.

Most of the time you can't see my eyes because I always cover them up with my bangs.

I plugged in my straightener and while it warmed up I did my make-up. Silver/gray eyeshadow, mascara, and eyeliner on the top and bottom.

I straightened my hair then went to my closet. I picked out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a Black Veil Brides shirt, and my new converse.

I came down stairs and my mom smiled at me. Only I can see through that pathetic act. She hated me, never even wanted me. My dad left her when he found out about her, but, threatened her when she considered putting me up for adoption.

I didn't get it. If he didn't want me either than why did he threaten her like that?  

I left my house and made the short walk to school with only seconds to get to my first period class, which was music.

I loved that class, I always let my frustration out on the drums. I loved the drums, but, my mom won't let me have a set. So I aways go to the music store, where the manager loves me, or the music room during lunch.

I walked through the door right before the bell rung, the new teacher glaring at me. He introduced himself as Mr. Sullivan and turned towards the board, exposing the hand-cuff tattoos on his neck.

Several of the girls were staring at him, mind fucking him as we speak.

I sat down in the back and payed attention to him. He seemed pretty cool. The last 15 minutes he let us play the instruments. Several kids at several different drum kits, trying to play them. I held in my laughter as I went to one of the empty ones.

I sat there for a minute thinking of what song to play when I heard a voice, one that I hated with a passion.

"Are you going to play or what?" Stacy Miller sneered.

So I played Almost Easy by Avenged Sevenfold, catching the attention of Mr. Sullivan, as I nailed every beat. I smirked in satisfaction when her jaw dropped. I laughed and went to the accustic guitars.

I started playing Dear God and humming to it, when the bell rang.

"Miss Stewart I'd like to speak with you for a minute." Mr. Sullivan said as I was about to walk out the door.

I bit back a groan and walked to his desk.

"Yes Mr. Sullivan?" I said sweetly.

"Have you thought about entering the school talent show they are going to have near the fall?" He asked looking up and me.

Talent show? They're already having people sign up for that?

"No...why?" I asked looking at his bright baby blue eyes for the first time.

"I think you should. You're pretty good on the drums."

"I'll think about it."  He nodded and dismissed me.

"See you at lunch Mr. Sullivan." I said and left the room, ignoring his 'What?'.

I walked down the hallway into my next class which was Literature. We had yet another new teacher who had tattoos. Mr. Baker.

He gave me a weird look as I walked back to my seat. But, that was until he said we had a seating arrangement.

"Neveah Stewart." He pointed to the seat next to Miranda Seward, Stacy's 'best friend'.

We glared at eachother and I relectuantly sat down. She never scared me, but I know I scared her, I was about 5' 9 1/2'' and she was about 5' 5''.

Thank God this is the last year of high school. If not I would have thrown a bitch fit. We started to learn about stuff I didn't even bother to pay attention to, yeah I know, I'm lazy. 

Mr. Baker seemed to make this class only slightly more interesting, The only good part was when he told us we had the last few minutes to do whatever we want. So I pulled out my notebook and continued to draw what I was working on the past week.

It was one of those demon type I don't worship the devil, I believe in God, so I go to church with my aunt whenever I feel like getting up, which is rare.

The bell rung so I gathered my things and went to my next class. History my least favorite subject with Mr. Haner (Papa Gates not Syn).

He likes to pick on me because he says I look a lot like his son. Is that creepy or what?

But, he wasn't here today...his wife was though.

I sat down in my normal seat which was, unfortunately, in the front. When Mrs. Haner saw me her smile flatered and she went wide-eyed. What the fuck is that about?

She introduced herself to the new students that haven't seen her before and went on with the lesson.

She seemed nice and I actually paid attention. She taught better than my actual History teacher. She didn't care when I yelled, and I quote "Everyone shut the hell up!". In fact she just laughed.

I got mad quite easily, and I was told by my mom that I got that from my father. Whoever he is.

The bell rung once again, signalling lunch, everyone just about bolted out of the classroom knocking several people down. I was one of the first ones out, mutteting swears under my breath, and then I ran into someone.

"Shit my bad." The voice said. It was definitley and adult, no doubt about it.

"It's okay." I said looking at him.

the first thing I noticed were those deep brown eyes that looked like mine.

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