Chapter 6

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hey everyone i hope you aren't mad cuz i haven't updated in a....i would say a while but i have been busy with school you know the regular excuses but schoools a pain anyway enjoy.


something tells me that i am coming off as... how do I say this.

crazy, weird and awkward.

yep that's it.

" Well I would tell you why I was laughing but then again it wouldn't be as funny as it was when I thought it was funny " Nice Allina nice make him think you are weird to make him go away.

" Well babe you told me that you would tell me, so don't break your promises " He said with a little pout at the end.

Awe poor baby. I mentally pout, guess not all promises can be kept now can they ?

I they put a fake sad pout " I'm sorry...I just don't want to hurt you feelings " I said looking down at the ground and trying not to giggle at what i was doing.

I looked at the ground for what felt like a while but he hadn't said anything. So I looked up to be surprised again, looks like today is full of surprises.

He wasn't saying anything he was just staring but behind him there was another guy this time with a black and gray plaid shirt with a dark blue shirt underneath he also had a look of shock and that didn't help me AT ALL.

I fell back and began laughing again this time I fell on my butt and it really hurt I think I have a bruise on my poor toushi which immediately stopped laughing cause it hurt like a mother lover.

" Ouch!"I said rubbing my backside as well as my butt" I landed on my butt great I don't know why I would expect anything to go right to day " I sighed but then looked up and 'Jackson ' was still in shock and the guy behind him just had a serious face and looked at me no he wasn't even looking he was staring!.

" Um...hey dude guy over there its not nice to stare " I said giving him a annoyed look he just looked away without saying anything .

I got up and brushed my butt off and looked at my phone looking at how many minutes i had left. Well guess what this idiot had taken most of my time i only had 20 mins left til the bell rang for the next class.

I grabbed my tray and I was so pissed right now my what was supposed to be a great only 'me' lunch was interrupted by this bub and his trying-not-to-look-guy behind him.

I walked away and didn't even say goodbye or anything because I didn't feel like saying good bye at a bub who took my me time.

That sounds so selfish and your not like that.

a little voice in my head was telling me to stop and say I'm sorry so I turned around and said " bye Jackson don't leave your mouth open for to long you'll get flies in it and that would ruin your " and I put air quotations " hot face " and couldn't help but chuckle as I walked to my next class way, way to early.



I was just walking in the hall looking at my schedule trying to find my next class so i wasn't late. But i can't stop thinking about Jackson and how his baby face was cute but funny I'm guessing he is the goofy kid everyone likes. Oh did i mention the guy behind him he was so weird but interesting but he looked so casual and hot at the same time i could feel my cheeks turn red.


Lina don't say those things not even in your head because that can distract you from being a 'good girl '.

if mom wants me to not cause trouble this time in this school that's going to be a little hard since all i know is how to be not a ' good girl ' but not a 'bad bi-'

" Allina! " i heard someone shout and i turn around to find a find myself staring at what looks like humongous  jugs right in my face.

i look up at the person who these girls belong to and this girl with blond hair and a lot of makeup but it looked flattering on her just to much makeup.

"um... can i help you " i asked shyly as i tried not to look at this....ladies...boobs ?. they were really big!.

" your aren't going to comment on my ladies " she said referring to her chest. 

" no i think that would be really rude " i said sincerely as i looked at her in her eyes she had really pretty light blue eyes like the ocean.

" Well i want you to comment on them " she demanded.

" well- " i stopped. I shouldn't have to do what she says heck i don't even know her name! and she is nagging at me for not commenting on her chest.

rude much i wanted so badly to just turn around and walk away that's the nicest i was thinking the worst would be to punch her so hard for bugging me and then yelling at me because she was showing off her boobs.

but i am going to keep me composure and just relax and pretend that i don't have or don't plan on hurting this lady.

" I'm sorry but i don't really want to- " 

" i didn't ask did i " she said holding her finger to her right side. 

" i said to " she demanded again.

I'm really trying to keep me composure. here !

" ahem. i said that i won't and i won't " i turned around and walked to my next class while looking down at my phone i only had 10 minutes now until the halls were crowded with people.


i mumbled to myself hoping no one heard but secretly i hope she did !.

i heard someone chuckle and i looked up to see a some guy who was leaning on the door to my next class so i walked up to it but this guy was in the way so i used my manners as my mother taught me to.

" excuse me i need to speak to the teacher so...if you could just move so i can do that, please ? "i said shyly.

he looked at me for a sec then out of no were he burst out laughing. i couldn't help but chuckle because i was sure he was going to hit his head on the door because of moving so much.

then there was a thud i started laughing because i knew that was going to happen. now i was the one who looked like a crazy person for laughing at this dude as he rubbed the back of his head and looked to the ground in embarrassment. 

" hahhahhahahhahhah some how i new that was going to happen and yet it happened hahhahhhahahha " i said putting my hand over my mouth.

he then looked up at me and smirked " well if it made you laugh that hard then your welcome " he said staring at me.

 i then stopped laughing and just stared at him " thanks " i said then smiling.

" now could you scoot over so i can talk to Mr. Blexter " i said still with a smile. 

he nodded and scoot over i thanked him and walked in.

i have to admit i-

" allina is that you ?" i looked at the teacher and recognized that face.

My ex.


yikes! that's awkward.

anyway that's all for this chapter and I'm sorry i haven't uploaded in almost a month but homework sucked up my time like a vacuum. except with papers and not dust bunnies and anyways hope you enjoyed see ya 

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