chapter #4

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Hey guys sorry I haven't been here but school has come back to bite me just kidding school work anyways hope you enjoy


*Lets have some fun *

Why do school tours have to be so boring like yes I know this is the gym and this is the lunch room and here's the library but like why do you have to say it in a monotone voice.

It just makes me want to sleep because its so boring and there no excitement to it no emotion at all just words.

Really lame words.

Mom patted me on the shoulder noticing that I was bored I smiled weakly and turned back to the counselor who was giving me the tour of the school.

" this is your schedule" she said  handing me a piece of paper Im not sure if I should be excited that I'm starting a new school or I should be sad.

Either way I will get on with my life and stop spacing out and focus.

" um..does this school have like a court yard or something that all the students gather to eat or do they all eat in the lunch room "
I asked almost worried of her answer.

" well there is a court yard were the students do gather and it does get pretty crowded " she said looking confused " and they do gather in the lunch room so yeah they do both why ? " she asked looking very confused.

" oh there like a field were students are allowed to eat at ? "
I asked impatient for her answer.

" oh yes there's a field behind the school where students are allowed to eat " she says with a smile.

" really ! " I said.

Maybe I said that to excitedly because she gave me a shocked look and nodded her head.

" yeah " she said still looking shocked.

I cleared my throat and put on a serious face to try to convince her that it was nothing to pay attention to.

" oh, well thank could I possibly go check it out....or "

" well not at the moment because class is going to start soon " she paused " but you can take a look at it during lunch or free period... sometime when classes aren't going "

I nodded " right " I said letting out a disappointed sigh .

oops ! mom nudged me and I gave her an annoyed look.

what the heck does she want I'm trying to keep my composer but I can tell that I'm not doing so well.

I mentally sighed, what the heck I shouldn't pretend I'm going to be here for a while. I was told on the way to school that were going to be here for a while or maybe a month or two I honestly don't know, I could be here for years depending on what my moms job wants they might put her here permanently.

" ahem. Alina may I talk to you for a second "

" Huh ? " I said confused

I turned to mom who was looking at me worriedly she rarely ever gives me that look unles-

" Alina put your self together, right now I don't need you to be distracted " she whispered yelled yep as I thought mom doesn't worry for stupid things like nervousness or shyness its either you do it or you don't and school I don't have an option but to listen and do as told.

" sorry I was just distracted because..." excuse, excuse, excuse... ah " this is just so over whelming you know new house new school and friends " I said giving her a innocent smile.

" ok.." she said looking confused.

" lets get back we don't want the counselor to think that we are scheming something  right " I said giving her the eyebrows.

she rolled her eyes and nodded " your right " is said letting out a light chuckle.

let do this ! and by do this I mean lets have some fun.


Sorry this took long but like I said before damn school has me in a Wreck love you guys don't forget to leave a comment telling me what do you think Alina means by fun anyways take care.

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