chapter 8

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Alina calm your hormones down now !. I mentally scolded myself.

" master has sent me to invite you over, " he said with a straight face.

Confused I ask" and... who might that be? " I ask not really wanting know not really wanting to go anyways. In all reality who in the whole entire 7 billion people would want to see this stupid egg. ever.

" I can't tell you who my master is, he just sent me to come and get you and bring you back " he had the slightest bit of annoyance in his voice but then reverted back to his bored and blank expression. 

Confused I replied with " well...since I don't know who your ' master' is I, think I'll pass for all I know you and him could be planning a kidnapping. " I don't know who this dude or ' master' is and I'm too lazy to find out anyways.

" my apologies for intruding on whatever it was you were doing but I was told not to come back empty-handed and that I will not." I stared at him in shock, like a hit in the face with a frying pan shocked. Just as I was about to give a sassy remark when my phone rang.

" I'm, sorry I have to take this," I said thinking of what to do with the fancy man standing outside and decided to just let him in " come in I guess, " I said gesturing inside the house he simply nodded. I stepped aside to let him in after shutting the door and answering my phone.

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" hello? "
" shhh. I'm testing Zeak " it was Mela from my old middle school.

" w-what? " I asked confused zeak is he long term boyfriend they have been together since freshman year.

" yeah, so I told Brittney to kiss him and to try to hold the kiss and if he did he fail but I he didn't I don't know I haven't thought that far yet but I told him to meet me behind the bleachers where the little garden is and-" she gasped.

" oh he's coming! Shhh. Don't say anything and just listen " there were some shuffling noises and then I heard someone speak.

" hey babe " I heard Mela say and then I kiss follow.

" hey " and then I could tell they sat down by the amount of shuffling I heard or maybe it was something else. Who knows.

It was silent.

" so I have something to tell you" I heard zeak say.

" oh " was what Mela said a bit of nervousness laced in it.

Then it was silence again.

Then there was shuffling again.

He probably put her on his lap that's what they always did well what he always did when he was serious.

" just listen. Please... And don't say anything please " zeak begged.

" zeak what wrong your scaring me  and why are you hiding you face in my neck what wrong? Look at me " Mela said sounding worried.

Wow she pulled that off Mela could never lie to zeak every time she tried she would cry or zeak could tell she was lying and ask why she was lying.

I then heard a whimper " Mela I'm so so sorry Mela. I was coming out of the restroom and " he sniffled " then Brittney came out of no where and s-she she kissed me and then she tried to I guess wrap her arms around me but I pushed her hands away and then I turned around and took a few steps back" his voice was sad and full of regret his voice also cracked " and then I turned around and told her that she should be a shamed of herself because I had a girlfriend and her name was Mela Daniels and she is the love. Of. " he sniffles and whimpered at the same time. Then I heard more shuffling and I could tell he pulled her closer or held her tighter on his lap " I'm so so sorry I didn't see the kiss coming I should've been more alert and it shouldn't have happened " he let out a muffled sob " i-i ".

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