Daisys lifestyle.

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Authors note: Hi guys, I'm gonna be publishing a chapter a day, well, hopefully. If I don't, them I'm truly sorry!! I will try my best, and comment on what parts you like!! ENJOY!!
"OK, COMING RIGHT UP!!" I shouted back to the waiter.
I work in a restaurant, as you can tell, but this isn't a posh restaurant, it's a very dirty, unpopular one where only stubborn people come to have cheap food. Well, technically, it's quite expensive for the look of the restaurant, but my wage is only £70 a month, so I can't afford my own home, so I live with my sister, Lucy. She has a two floor house in North America, and everywhere you look, there's dolls. Lots of them. I've always had a fear of dolls, ever since my very own porcelain one had mysteriously moved from my bedroom window sill, to my bedside table. I know it sounds stupid, but I was on my own in my parents house, in Devon, where it all happened. The house was empty, only I was in it, so how could it have happened? I told my parents, but they just said that I was stupid to think that. I hate my parents, because they are bullies. They were alcoholics and lived mostly on drugs. But one day they overdosed, and died in a car crash whilst coming back from a Drug Addict Clinic. I was a bit sad, but mostly happy, because they tried getting me and Lucy to try drugs.
I carried on with my order, and made two tomato soups, three brown bread, and a chocolate cookie. Once they were cooked, I pulled them out of the oven and took the food over to the customers. They gave me a £5 tip, and I thanked them very much for it. I rushed back to the kitchen and found my bag, I scrambled around in it and pulled my small purse out and put the money in it. My sister, Lucy had bought me the bag and purse for Christmas. My eyes were feeling very heavy and my legs felt like jelly because I was so tired, I spotted one of the other chefs, and asked them what the time was. He said that it was 10pm, yes!! I thought, Only one more hour left of my shift!!
And that's when I saw Marc, the head chef and manager, staring at me, like he was inspecting every centimetre of my body. I felt extremely uncomfortable, so I walked over to him, and he quickly looked up at me, and said "Ummm...hi, Daisy. How are you?"
"I'm ok, I was just w...w...wondering why y...y...you were l...l...looking  at me?" The words stuck in my throat, and I could feel him looking at me again, thinking of an answer.
"Because your beautiful..." He replied my answer, and I looked at his face, suddenly aware that it was turning red with embarrassment.
"Thanks?" Was all I managed to say.
"Come with me, I want to show you something." He conjured me over.
" Umm...ok" I suddenly became shy, and didn't know if I could trust him, well, he was the manager, but he was 3 years older than me, and had a criminal record of kidnapping and murdering women. He was in prison for 20 years, and only just got released 3 years ago. I didn't want to think about the negatives of following Marc, and anyway, he was already dragging me out of the kitchen and out of the restaurant. I could see people staring at me and Marc, and some were gasping, others were wolf whistling. He pulled me down and into the forest, and threw me down into the green, damp grass, and that's when he pulled a needle out of a pocket in his jacket.

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