Chapter Seven

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"What now?" I asked as I leaned back into the dark brown leather chair facing the headmasters desk. A look of defeat plastered across my face. I may have avoided her previously but losing my best friend like this was taking its toll on me.

"I have a proposition for you." The headmaster said as she leaned forward and placed her elbows on her desk. Her fingers pointing straight up as their tips connected with their corresponding digits of the other hands. She looked to be deep in thought at the moment. "Whether you choose to accept it or not, will be your choice. Just remember what awaits you in the public area if you refuse."

"So this is an ultimatum then?" I asked as I looked up and our gazes met. "Do what you ask or possibly face a life of slavery?"

"Unfortunately yes." She replied as she looked down momentarily breaking our gaze.

"If I accept, what will become of me?" I asked as decided that I would need both sides of the proposition if I was going to make my decision.

"I can only tell you the full details once you accept, but what I can tell you is the following." She said as she leaned back into her chair as if to give the situation a more ominous feeling. A choice that proved successful as I felt a cold shiver run down my spine. "There is a spell that can alter the memories of those who witnessed your presence. It won't however stop the fact that a dragon made an appearance, but it will alter enough for them to not know it was you. However, I can only do that after you accept my proposition."

"You can do that?" I asked dumbfounded. Truthfully, I have never heard of a memory altering type of magic before. I know some have tried and always failed but never has one actually succeeded.

"I can. But it depends on you and your choice." She replied with a simple wave of her right hand.

"Fine. I'll do it." I responded as I resigned my fate to what she had planned for me.

"That's good to hear." The headmaster said excitedly as she got up from her chair and made her way around the left side of her desk. She manoeuvred her way to the front of her desk and leaned back, as if sitting on the edge. She placed her hands on either side of her as she gripped the desk softly. "So here is what I was offering you.

"On an island within the center of the pacific ocean, the number one academy makes its home. This island is protected by the various elements, making it one of the toughest places to get to. This is where I will be sending you. I want you to go there and make a name for yourself. Become strong. Learn to control your powers. Become the pillar that we will all rely upon.

"The reason I am doing this, is because there is a war coming. Against someone we have no information on. Other than the piece of information stating that he is one of the most powerful being that has ever existed. His name is Quin. That's all we know of him. I need you to grow powerful enough to put a stop to this monster and save the supernatural way of life.

"You are our last hope and we need you to be strong." She said with a serious expression on her face making me worried. Is she really telling me the truth? Is there really someone like this Quin out there?

"You leave in a few minutes. There will be someone coming to pick you up shortly." The headmaster said as she stood up and made her way back to her chair. She sat down as she kept her eyes on me. Watching my every movement.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." The headmaster said without taking her eyes off of me. The door opened as the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the office. I shifted my gaze around and saw a young lady walk into the office.

Wearing tight dark blue jeans with a white button up collared shirt with her long sleeves rolled up to her elbows. On her left arm she wore a thick leather bracelet as well as a silver chain that held a small cross dangling towards the floor. Her medium length dirty blonde hair that seemed to reach just above her shoulders gave her a sort of sophisticated look. Her soft pink lips and her crystal blue eyes made her extremely attractive.

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