chapter 2

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I stand at my locker yawning from the lack of sleep small dark circles formed under my eyes. Fiona rummaged through her purse looking for her lipstick. I wore a white flowery mini dress, fishnets, white converses and black sweater. Fiona wore her typical blue skinny jeans and black low cut v-neck shirt and strappy sandals.

"Do you ever wear shirts that don't show cleavage?" I asked chuckling softly.

"No" Fiona smiled, but it quickly faded.

" Oh shit here come those fucked up, think there all that and a bag of chips jocks," replied Fiona as she rolled her eyes.

   I peek out from behind my locker door and sure enough, they were coming down the hall. Alex Krowin; Alex is 6'8 has short dirty blond hair and deep blue eyes he's also muscular like he overworks his body, Dade Parker he is a bit smaller than Alex and he has hazel eyes and sandy brown hair, and Troy and Justin Bell the twins well they look alike same height of 6'6 and they do everything together.
    They make up the popular part of the football team at BHS. Alex is the most popular; all the girls swoon and drool all over him except Fiona and I. I close my locker and turn around; Alex  is in front of me, his hands pressed against the lockers on either side of my face. I say hello and try to move past him. Alex doesn't budge.

"You're the only popular girl I haven't gone out with" replied Alex.

" Uh yeah and I would like to keep it that way," I replied pushing past him. Alex grabs my wrist pushing me back against the lockers.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked.
      Dade, Justin and Troy started gathering around. I can feel Alex hand go up my leg I push his hand away trying to squeeze by.

" I m going to fucking class now let me go," I replied.

    My voice shaking I try to leave Alex grabs my wrist again slamming me back into the locker. I hit the black combination lock that stuck out as it jabbed me in my back knocking the wind out of me.
     I fall to my knees and yell in pain gasping for air that wouldn't come tears stream down my face. I look up at Alex he looks back at me grinning

   "Maybe next time you'll think before you speak and I will get you next time," Alex said chuckling as he walked away.

I stand to get up tears still blurring my vision I see a hand and reach out to grab it. The person's hand is warm and soft in mine. I look up and see its Kyran, he looks at me his expression soft and full of concern.

"Thank you," I replied wiping the tears from my face.

"You're welcome sweetheart."

Alex is gone now and Kyran and I walk to Mr. Cambridge's class. I can feel everyone's eyes on us. My face turns red Kyran and I take our seats. Mr. Cambridge begins to give an English lecture  I fidget a little in my chair. Kyran whispers in a low voice so only I could hear him.

"Are you okay Angel ?" whispered Kyran

"yeah, I'm fine" Ignoring the pain in my back and please stop calling me angel my name in Moe.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

Kyran places his hand on my back. I can feel the warmth from his hand on my back It tingled and felt nice. When Kyran removed his hand the pain was gone. Class went by in a blur partially because I was lost in my thoughts again. The bell rings and I hurry to collect my things trying to avoid Kyran. 
     I rush to my car start the engine and back out of the parking lot avoiding the rest of my classes today but mainly avoiding Kyran. The News called for heavy rain fall in the early afternoon hours.
     I drive down the long and nearly empty road the rain splashing against the windshield. The wipers go as fast as the could and before I could hit the breaks the car crashes in to a pole. The air bag hits me on the chest I yell out in excruciating pain. My heart races my hands clutching the steering wheel.The wipers swished back and forth.

10 min later, A tow truck came, he dropped me off at home and took my car to the shop. I unlock the door and step in . I walk up stairs to my room shedding my wet clothes and take a hot shower letting the water run over my body as it ached.

      I put on some shorts and a tank top and noticed a giant bruise. I head down stair to fix a hot cup of coco. I climb the sturdy stairs again of our old Victorian house and climb in to my bed and read a book and before long I fell asleep.

I wake up and look at the time it's 3 in the morning. I try to get up and move pain surging through my body mainly my chest. I finally stand and head to the window looking out and before I close my curtains there stood the same shadowy figure from the night before. I jump back and shake my head.

  "Ok moe your dreaming there's nobody outside that window looking up at you."

I slowly ease my way back to the window to look out sure enough the tall shadowy figure is gone. I climb back in bed and pull the covers tight around me. After a few minutes I drift back to sleep but I couldn't help but feel like I was still being watched.

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