》Two Different Kings

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Warning: (MY WORK)

Inspired by the movie "Book Of Life"

It was chaos everywhere in the kingdom.  Some houses were on fire, some were blown down by the strong wind. Everyone was running away, screaming murder ( nobody harmed yet though )

Luhan looked around, searching for any sign of the kingdom guards but none were there. Where are they? They're supposed to do their jobs protecting us! , he thought furiously. He caught a sight of his lover running towards him.

"Still no guards around?" Sehun panted, he ran out of breath after running around the whole village. Luhan shooked his head, groaning and sat on the floor. Sehun joining beside him.

"Just.. what happened to them? Were they ambushed? Are we getting attacked? Tao wouldn't have let this happen to his own kingdom!" Luhan asked, staring at the sight of the castle on the hill next to the village. It seemed dimmed with darkness. Usually the castle would be bright with beautiful lights.

"Wait," Sehun seemed to get something. "If the king isn't doing anything right now, wouldn't that mean he's... he's kidnapped or ambushed too?"

Luhan's eyes widen at the statement. He suddenly stood up, dragging Sehun along. He gave a small kiss on his lovers lips, the latter's cheeks grew red in return.

"Let's pay a visit to our king shall we?"


The huge entrance door opened by itself as the two arrived before them. As they entered the hall, it was deadly silent and very dark. "Hello...?!" Sehun blurted out, causing Luhan to clamp a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. His voice echoes around the room.

"Keep quiet! You never know what's gonna attack us sooner or later!" Luhan whispered angrily at his pouting lover.

They walked across the entrance hall to the hallway quietly, despite Sehun's annoyance. Soon, the darkness has shown a dimmed light coming from the windows and revealed a huge door, an entrance to the throne room.

Luhan & Sehun occasionally got invited with other friends by the king himself for a feast or dinner since they were friends ever since they were born. So they remembered every room in this huge magnificent castle.

They opened the door with a creek. Startled at the sound they made. They observed the huge room. Nobody seemed to be there but they obviously sensed someone was there. The kings throne was facing the other way around and right then, Luhan knew someone was sitting on it.

"I know you're there!" Luhan shouted across the room. His voice echoes around the room and then a dark chuckle was heard. Luhan and Sehun stand on guard back to back, prepare to fight someone who dare to attack them.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the sweetest couple in the village, Luhannie and Sehunnie~"

They're eyes widen as they recognised the voice immediately. Sehun growled furiously, Luhan holding him back from attacking.

"You son of a bitch! Where's my best friend?!"

The throne turned slowly, revealing a tall handsome king with an all black attire. With a smirk, he chuckled darkly again at the sight of the two angry boys nearing him.

"Let's just say we decided to switch places for a while.." the king said, checking his nails boredly, not missing the reaction on the other two.

"Why would he do that? You forced him didn't you! Now he's all alone in that miserable kingdom of yours!" Sehun started seeing red just by looking at the horrible king in front of him.

The king seemed to be ignoring them, turning around in the throne boredly. He didn't need some kind of stupid lecture because of his doings, his husband gave him the right just for one day so why would he waste it doing nothing. He had longed for being the king of both his and his husbands kingdom to torture the poor living souls who ever lived ( except his husband of course ).

"You know what Kris-" Sehun started.

"-it's King Kris!" The king hissed, glaring at the younger boy.

"-if you continue this, I have no choice to use this.." Sehun took something out of his pocket. Something that made both Luhan and the king shocked. Luhan grinned, nodding encouragingly at his lover while the king stumbled out of the throne with a pale face.

"W-where did you get that?" Kris stuttered nervously, staring at the bell Sehun held with fear.

"Oh this?" Sehun grinned. "Tao gave it to us if we needed his help. You know how this functions right? When I jingle this, he'll teleport here straight away."

Kris snapped still nervous, "I KNOW HOW IT WORKS- J-just don't you dare-"

Sehun shook the bell harshly while singing, "Oh Tao!~ We need your help!~"

Kris immediately hid behind the throne as he saw his husband appear before him. Slightly, distracted at how good his husband looks in white attire.

"Sehun I told you to call me only when-" the annoyed Tao stopped his rant when he saw everything so destroyed and dark.

He ran to the nearest window that showed a sight of the whole village. Some houses caught on fire, some blown down. He could see little figures of villagers running around in fright.

"I knew it, I knew it. I shouldn't have trusted him to keep an eye on my kingdom for one fucking day.." Tao muttered angrily, eyes darting from Luhan and Sehun, who were pointing their fingers to the throne and mouthing 'He's there!'

Tao strode up to the throne, seeing his husband hiding behind it and grabbed his attire harshly making him stand up.

"D-darling! Baby, I missed you so much! I-I thought you were coming back tomorrow..." Kris trailed off after seeing his husbands face full of rage.

"I told you to fucking keep an eye on my kingdom for one fucking day but no! What did you do instead, burn and destroy everything while I was busy!" Tao huffed and crossed his arms, looking everywhere except his husband and fighting back the tears he was holding.

"Baby, please look at me." Kris pleaded, trying to get him to look but turns around the other way with a frown. They have completed forgotten about the other two couple in the room.

"That's it. You are sleeping on the couch starting today and no sex for a month." Those words shot him down right on his heart. Without hesitating, he raised up his arms and snapped his fingers, everything suddenly lit up and went back to normal, even the village from afar.

"Look darling, I fixed it back didn't I? Please don't make me suffer, I promise I'll do anything for you!" Kris cupped the panda's cheeks and rubbed them with his fingers lovingly. Tao closed his eyes and leaned into the touch while thinking, humming slightly.

"Alright," Kris' eyes lit up.

"You'll do anything for me right?" Tao looked up.

"Anything for my lovely king." Kris smiled, wrapping Tao's arms around his chest.

"Then I might give you a reward later." Tao said with a wink, pushing back his husband playfully before skipping away to their bedroom.

Kris licked his lips, staring at where his husband ran off and ignoring the other two's stare before going in his room.

Screw what he said earlier about longing for kingdoms and torture. Now all he longed for is his beloved gorgeous husband.

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