》Stupid Human

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Today was a perfect day.

A perfect day for a stroll around the new village they just moved in to. Meet new neighbors, visit the villages small stalls that sells various kinds of fruits and vegetables, play around with the children or animals-

Yifan couldn't help but to sigh when his brother began to list everything he wanted to do today. Ignoring the younger, he pulled out a huge book and began reading it but before he could read the next paragraph, a hand creeped its way towards his vision and took the book away and threw it on his bed with force.

Thinking it was Chanyeol, he turned around with a glare but only to let out an unmanly squeak when he saw his mother with her hands on her hips and an unamused look on her face. Along with his brother snickering at him from behind her. 

"What did I tell you about reading when we just moved here, Yifan?" His mother fumed out. Yifan could only raise a brow at her. There was nothing wrong with reading, in fact it was educational and-

Hearing a sigh from his mother, he stopped his train of thoughts and decided to listen to her.

"I just want you to spend your time more with your brother instead of reading about mythical creatures or what. We just moved to this lovely village, I'm sure Chan would love to go with you for a stroll around here. You would like that wouldn't you my little Channie?" His mother cooed at her younger son who pout at the older in agreement.

Yifan could only roll his eyes before nodding his head, fixing his glasses that slid down his nose while nodding. Chanyeol whooped cheerfully, earning a laugh from their mother.

Soon enough, both of them were outside. Their mother bid them goodbye from the house. Chanyeol snickers again when he saw a frown on the elders face as they walk past some houses.

"Come on brother! Cheer up and explore around while we can." He swung an arm around his brothers shoulder, considering that they were the same height. 

Chanyeol, being the energetic young brother he is, ran around the whole village with a grin greeting everyone around while Yifan could barely catch up with him being the lazy brother he is.

The younger seemed to finally stopped when he saw something that caught his eye. Someone, that is. That someone was sneaking out from the forest, just right outside the village. 

"Hello!" He greeted the mysterious figure. Causing the person to jump slightly as Chanyeol loomed over him. His face filled with shock at his height. Yifan could only face palm at his brothers actions, deciding to leave the two in a conversation (which took a while because the person was terrified of them at first but warms up slightly when Chanyeol uses his charms.)

Yifan sat on a huge rock close to them in exhaustion, staring right back at the huge forest looming above them. Curiosity caught him as he recalled the books he read all about mythical and magical creatures because he really believed that they are real, much to everyone's despite. That's why he always avoid meeting new people and such, he doesn't like it when people laugh at him for believing such things.

He stood up carefully, avoiding to disturb the other two who seemed to be staring dazedly at each others eyes. He steps a foot into the forest and then another and another.

Eventually, he started walking casually into the depths of the forest. He caught a sign that says 'DANGER UP AHEAD! DO NOT ENTER'.

They should've put this up at the front, not here. 

Yifan shook his head at the sign and walked forward with his head held high, knowing that nothing was ever going to harm him.


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