Chapter 21 ~ Distract Me

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Song above goes perfect with the book, especially this chapter. Check it out and tell me if you agree! ^^

Chapter 21

We parked back behind the motorhome, and Bard reached over to gather the bags from my lap. His arm brushed against me, his head bent dangerously close, and the scent of coconut shampoo and masculine body wash mixed in with something more earthy and raw. He was nature personified. From the way he moved, to the sound of his voice. Smooth, like creek water over rocks or a breeze against bare skin.

Fucking hell, I've got it bad. Did I just write a poem about his ass because he smells good?

As if time suddenly sped up, Bard lifted back away from me and got out of the car. I followed at a distance, even watched him struggle with the door without offering to help. I didn't know what possessed me to think I would be able to live with this man and not want him. It was bad enough that he was so attractive, but it was more than that. He played the game well. It was as if those freaky eyes had read every thing about me, and now, he knew exactly what to do to penetrate my defenses.

When he disappeared through the doorway, I slowly followed his lead.

Bard tossed the bags onto the table and walked over to the set of cabinets above the cockpit. "You like movies?"

I stared at him as he rummaged through a stack of DVDs, and I took back my thoughts. He didn't know all the right things to do. If he did, he'd know all he really needed to do was turn around, give me those dark eyes, wrap me in those massive arms, and I'd have been lost. I was right on the precipice, and I knew it. My hormones ruled whenever he was concerned. Natural instinct urged me, perhaps to procreate and make more massive, beautiful men to populate the planet.

But he didn't know that, and I'd be damned if I was going to tell him.

"What is this, a date?" I flopped down at the table and tried to feign disinterest. "I don't watch movies."

"Rocky it is." He pulled a case from the pile, then stepped over and opened another cabinet to reveal a small television. He bent down in front of it and set to work getting it playing.

I shook my head and tore into one of the bags. My mouth was watering, and it wasn't for candy. But candy was what it was going to get, and it would just have to be happy with that or I'd kick my own ass.

Bard's eyes softened when he turned back and found me taking a bite out of a peanut butter cup. "I knew you'd like one of those."

I chewed begrudgingly. "I like all of them, you jerk."

He rumbled a laugh as he stretched out on the opposite side of the booth, then his eyes locked onto the screen as the opening scene played. "This one is my favorite."

I wasn't paying attention. I stared at his profile, and no matter how many times I told myself to look away, I didn't. "I haven't seen it."

His gaze snapped to my face. "You haven't seen Rocky? How the hell does that happen?"  He motioned to the television. "Everyone has seen Rocky. It's a classic."

I shrugged, grabbed a candy bar, and busied myself with tearing the wrapper. "I gave up on watching tv when I was a kid." I took a small bite and chewed it slow.

Bard watched me intently, waiting for me to continue.

I swallowed hard, took a breath. "I bounced between foster care and group homes." I shrugged. "It was always a battle to be able to see, let alone hear what was on, and if you wanted to pick, you needed to have some girth to you." I took another bite and chewed. "I've never been the biggest."

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