Chapter 49~ Visitors

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Chapter 49

The days blended together in a state of absolute bliss. Bard was everything.

After our trip into the mountains, things changed.

I changed.

We still trained every morning, but the chemistry between us, when left uninhibited, flourished, turned slight adjustments into heated touches, and swift jabs were always followed by tight embraces.

I had it bad. The man that was Bard had me so sucked into him, there was no hope of ever escaping, but I didn't want to. I clung to it. It was as if the world had opened up with possibilities, and the future, while bleak, had a fighting chance. There was a shot that it might not be shit, and that was more than I'd ever had before.

At the end of every day, he'd worship me like a goddess. Earth shattering, awe inspiring.

For a week, that'd been the routine. Train, adventure, epic sex. Maybe, Drake had already found me. Maybe, I'd never made it out from under the bridge. Maybe, I'd died and gone to heaven, and this was my own personal utopia.

It terrified the fuck out of me. Mainly because, with each day that passed, I grew more and more attached, more and more comfortable. It couldn't last. I knew that. Things never stayed good, something always came along to fuck it up. At least, for me it did, and things had never been as good as they were with Bard.

It was a waiting game, and I knew at any moment the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

As I lay there, staring at his sleeping profile, his arm wrapped tight around my shoulder, unable to move even if I tried, I realized something.

Drake didn't scare me, anymore.

Losing Bard did.

He shifted and stretched, then opened his eyes and turned to find me staring at him. That familiar grin tilted his lips. "Good morning, Tequila," he said, voice rough from sleep.

"Good morning." I started to roll away, afraid my morbid thoughts would be discovered the minute those intense eyes fully focused.

Bard stopped me. "Hey now, where you think you're goin'?" He flipped himself over top me in one agile motion.

"Bard," I scolded, but it was impossible to resist him. "I need to pee," I lied.

He smiled down at me and lifted a hand to smooth back my tangled mess of bed hair. "You're lying."

"Am not." I glared at him, but his smile didn't waver.

"When you lie, your eyes always dart to the left."

My mouth fell open. "They do not!"

His chest rumbled with laughter. "They just did."

"Let me up!" I pushed against him, and this time, Bard relented.

He flopped back to the bed, still laughing. "Fine. We need to go into town anyway. We're low on supplies."

I paused at that. I'd grown so accustomed to the safety of the mountain, just the thought of leaving it was like a punch to the gut. "I'll stay here."

Bard studied me, one eyebrow lifted. "You don't want to come?"

I shook my head as I turned my gaze away and climbed off the bed. "I think I'll shower. How long will you be?"

Bard followed my steps all the way to the bathroom door. "About an hour or a little more. There's a small grocery store just down the mountain. It's not that far." He leaned against the door frame and watched me turn the water on. "You sure you don't want to come with me?"

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