Chapter 41~ Acceptance

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Chapter 41

Bard swung his leg out, and I dodged, then jumped to the side and came back at him with a left kick. It connected with his hip, and he stumbled.

"That was good." He motioned for a break.

We'd been at this for two weeks, and I was getting better. Ever since the night I kissed him, we'd kept our distance. Or... he did.

I'd always kept a distance, but Bard... His whole attitude changed after that night. He kept things casual, never asked me to do anything with him besides train. Things weren't intense when we did either, unlike the first time. His touches didn't linger. He never got too close. It was platonic, completely professional. He drilled me, pushed me to learn the skills he was teaching and never allowed so much as an inch of leeway.

I hated and loved it all at the same time.

I loved it, because it made things easy.

But I hated it.

His sudden change in behavior confused me. Was it me? Had he finally given up his chase? Finally gotten over whatever infatuation he'd seemed to have? As much as I hated to admit it, the thought bothered me.

"Again," he barked the word like a sergeant, pushing me to keep going.

The same thing every morning. For three hours we'd spar and rest, spar and rest. Then, Bard would declare us done and take off into the woods. He'd stay there, doing god knows what until dinner. Then, he'd shower and go to sleep.

I lifted my fists and got into stance. "Bring it, big guy."

Bard smirked and lunged for me. I dodged, kicked a leg behind his and pushed against his chest, just the way he'd shown me. The move sent him spiraling backwards onto the ground.

"Very good." He smiled and hopped back to his feet. "Another few weeks, and you'll be a regular GI Jane."

I laughed. "I'm not chopping my hair off."

Bard grinned. "Neither am I."

"You talking or fighting."

Bard lunged again, quicker than usual, and sent me gently onto my ass. "Don't get too cocky." He smiled down at me, one eyebrow lifted.

I grabbed his ankle and jerked him down beside me.

He hit the ground and laughed, big and loud. Goosebumps peppered my arms at the sound of it.

"Alright." His chest rumbled. "You win today. Let's call it." He stood and knocked the dirt off his jeans.

I hurried to my feet just as he turned to leave, the same way he did everyday after we trained.

It was so unbelievably boring alone in the cabin. At first, I'd loved the distance, but now, not so much. I'd go crazy soon if he kept this up.

Bard started towards the treeline, and I grabbed his forearm.

He stopped and turned back to me.

I swallowed the solid ball of nerves in my throat and could practically feel them land in the pit of my stomach. "Um... where ya goin'?"

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