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Kai explains to me as he takes me back up from Tartarus on how he had found me. It had taken him awhile, but eventually he was able to get the information out of the Furies after having been alerted about my disappearance. Kai scolds me for being careless but then he falls silent, and instead, wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me in close until my face is pressed against his chest. I hear his sigh above my head and realise just how worried he must have been when he found me missing.

I pull back a little to look at his face. "Thank you for coming to my rescue," I say, giving him a small smile. He shakes his head and rests a palm on my cheek, his thumb stroking my skin, his warmth seeping in.

"Of course, I had to come find you," he replies, "I don't want you in any danger because of me. What happened while you were down in Tartarus?" Kai asks, as he guides us towards his chariot, the horses all neighing at once as if glad to see me again. "Did Cronus do anything to you?"

"No, he was very civilised but, Kai..." I stop, grabbing hold of his sleeve, "He said something about the Titans coming back during the alignment of the planets." I search his eyes as he remains silent, watching the way a storm seems to brew within them. "It sounds serious. Are you going to do something about Cronus?"

Kai continues walking to his chariot. "This... I will need to consult with the rest of the gods. It's no small matter if the Titans are plotting something," he says, helping me up onto the chariots and pulling the reins into his hands. "I suppose he has been waiting a long time to return to power," he mutters.

"He also said..." I pause wondering if I should say more. Kai looks at me inquiringly. "Cronus... also said that he's been waiting... for me," I murmur to him quietly, afraid that saying it aloud would make everything all the truer. Keeping my eyes downcast, I try to calm myself down a little, the encounter with the Titan King finally rattling my nerves after all the adrenaline has drained away.

I feel Kai's hand wrap around one of mine and that is when I notice that I'm shaking as he holds my hand, stroking a thumb over the top as he cradles my face in his other hand. I let out a sigh and close my eyes. "Don't worry, you have me with you and no one will take you away again," he assures. There's a sense of loss when he removes his hands to take hold of the reins again, urging the horses onwards on the road home.

All the way back to the palace, I can't help but feel that my very presence is creating more trouble in the Underworld than when I was not. Doubt wriggles its way into my heart as I think on just how much of my destiny is worth fulfilling if it meant that Kai must suffer for it. Slowly and inevitably, my feelings of attachment to Kai are growing and it isn't because I am destined to be his but because I actually might be... well, I'll have to see. Since our pasts were intertwined and now our futures too, I should slowly verify my own emotions.

Kai doesn't say a word on our way back home and neither do I, but it's a comfortable sort of silence between two people who don't speak much anyway.

As soon as the chariot stops at the entrance, Kai hops off and hurries inside, completely forgetting that I'm there. It seems there is a lot on his mind from the way he is almost running, eyes focused on the path ahead of him.

I step down myself, give the horses an affectionate pat each before heading inside as well to retire to my own room. As I walk up the staircase, I sense someone's gaze on my back and turn to meet the eyes of Sehun – wait, no, Hypnos. His silver hair glitters under the light as he stands by one of the many columns that line the hallways. He gives me a single nod and walks away. I wonder what that was about.

Once completely alone, I take a quick shower, dress in the most comfortable piece of clothing I can find and bury myself under my blankets and pillows. My thoughts cross to Cronus' words and the foreboding premonition I have that no matter what Kai and the rest of the gods will do to stop Cronus, it will all be for waste.

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